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CIA Operations lead to the Spread of Chaos in the World

Martin Berger, April 14


Most people are aware of the wide range of secret US Central Intelligence Agency (CIA) operations which the White House has been employing at different points throughout history to wreak havoc around the globe. And eventually even those who don’t may soon fall victims of the wide range of operations the CIA conducts.

The following are just some of the most notorious:

Operation ARTICHOKE – evolved from Project Bluebird and was launched in 1951 to be transformed later in the project MKULTRA . The goal of this operation was to test the government’s ability to cause amnesia through the use of psychotropic substances among certain individuals. This operation resulted in the creation of amphetamines and LSD that were tested on the population of the Federal Republic of Germany.

Operation AJAX – was launched in 1953 in close cooperation with British secret services to topple the government of Iran, which was the first successful attempt to launch a coup d’etat from abroad in modern history.

Operation Cyclone – the code name of a CIA program to arm the Afghan mujaheddin fighters during the Afghan War, which led to the emergence and the consequent strengthening of the Al-Qaeda terrorist organization. Former American agents admit that this was one of the longest and most expensive covert CIA operations, with a total cost of 20-30 million a year in 1979 when it started and soon reached a staggering 630 million dollars per year by 1987. This operation alone plunged a number of regional players into chaos.

Operation Mockingbird – was launched in 1950 in a bid to influence the international media. The implementation of this operation was handed over to Philip Graham, who later became the editor-in-chief of the Washington Post. Declassified documents have already uncovered that such high-profile media outlets including ABC, NBC, CBS, AP, Reuters, Time, Newsweek, and many others have been compromised by the CIA. To achieve the stated objectives of the operation, American agents influenced journalists, students, cultural organizations and whole journals to publish whatever sort of stories they deemed necessary. As the operation started targeting foreign media and political organizations as well. As the operation developed even further, the CIA started bribing foreign media and political figures. According to Western media analysts, the assets that were acquired during the Operation Mockingbird have been put to “good use” by the CIA and the White House up to and including today to influence the US and foreign media outlets. This fact was confirmed by a German journalist who works for Frankfurter Allgemeine Zeitung, Dr Udo Ulfkotte. However, the continuous abuse of the Western media that is forced into feeding fabricated information to its readers and viewers has resulted in a serious crisis of trust, since most people no longer believe anything Western media sources report.

Most readers need not be reminded that the “Arab Spring” was fabricated, which subsequently allowed the White House to get rid of a number of undesirable Arab leaders. Despite the obvious nature of the wide spanning operation, it seemed that no Western analyst would voluntarily admit its true nature or the implications of its final result. So-called “American-style democracy” failed in nearly every Arab nation, many of which are now permanently plunged into chaos, misery, poverty and violence.

The list of CIA failures wouldn’t be complete without mentioning Project AERODYNAMIC which was developed back in 1949. The stated goal of this operation was the destabilization of Ukraine via the promotion of Russophobia across its population. The CIA decided that it would be really clever to exploit notorious war criminal Stepan Bandera, a Ukrainian Nazi collaborator during the days of WWII. The development of this operation was outsourced to such companies as Prolog Research and Publishing Associates Inc. and as for the implementation, we can witness it today still unfolding before our very eyes.

Turkey is yet another country that is being exploited by the CIA in a bid to destabilize the EU through the flow of refugees. Despite the havoc that these actions have created, the EU is apparently unable to do anything about it, since Turkey enjoys special protection from the White House.

The most recent CIA secret operations, of course, involve various “doping scandals” and, of course, the Panama Papers. Strategists from Langley are actively couching these operations behind the belief of the absolute majority of the world population that no criminal activities should be concealed in any area of our lives, whether it’s sports or financial matters. For sure, the main beneficiary of these scandals is the White House, since it’s “exposing” the crimes of other countries, namely those that are reluctant to follow Washington’s orders.

If we are to take a look at the recent doping scandals, it should become evident of the absence of any charges against American athletes and the fact that all allegations were voiced before April 2016, when the International Olympic Committee was to name the final list of states that would compete for a chance to host the Summer Olympic Games of 2024, with the United States determined to content using all possible means, both legal and illegal.

As for the Panama Papers, the CIA didn’t pursue the goal of fighting corruption with those, since the United States could be considered at the very forefront of such corruption across the globe for years. These papers were released to target the leaders of Russia, China and some other states that have opposed Washington and its global agenda. However, Ukrainian President Petro Poroshenko and British Prime Minister Cameron got caught in what could be considered “friendly fire”, since the population of the states that those figures lead are now calling for the impeachment of their corrupt leaders. As far as CIA involvement is concerned, one should mention that there’s two organizations that have been working in close cooperation with them – OECD (Organisation for European Economic Co-operation) and FATF (Financial Action Task Force), both for a long time. Moreover, the influence the CIA enjoys in Panama is well-known since Washington’s support of the former military dictator of this country – Manuel Noriega, who was an agent of the CIA. That is why the US State Department spokesman Mark Toner was forced to make the following statement (emphasis added):

I would like to refute the assumptions and allegations that we in any way involved in the actual leak of these documents

However, organizations such as USAID (United States Agency for international development) and “Open Society”, also known as the Soros Foundation, are openly listed among the sponsors of the Center for the study of corruption and organized crime that released the papers along with the Consortium of Investigative Journalism.

Of course, the list of the CIA’s operations goes on, but it should be noted that most of them aim at creating chaos to distract the people of the US and other regions of the world from the pressing social problems they encounter in their day-to-day lives. After all, in recent years the United States has been active to show its politicians in the best possible light in contrast to a background of global crime, corruption, and dictatorships they claim holds the upper hand in many other states. What else can they do when their military adventures in the Middle East have virtually destroyed the region, unleashing a wave of terrorism across the globe? It is terrorism that has been bred by Al-Qaeda which was in turn nurtured by Washington in a bid to fight its competition across the globe. But will the CIA ever be held accountable for its various “experiments” and “secret programs” – that’s the big question.

Martin Berger is a freelance journalist and geopolitical analyst, exclusively for the online magazine “New Eastern Outlook”