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Evacuation Plans of the Polish Government: What For?

Konrad Stachnio, May 27

PO4523421For some unspecified reason, the Polish government recently performs many movements which suggest that it is preparing for something bigger. Of course, the media continue calming the whole society because as we know Poland is still protected by NATO and nothing will ever happen to us. Well, and if already something really happened, then you would go to war and we (the government) would be evacuated. Don’t you like it?

The members of the Polish Parliament exercise in case of war.

In May, 50 Polish MEPs are expected to pass military training. In March Radoslaw Sikorski undertook the organisation of the preparations for this. As part of the training deputies will have to learn how to shoot, practice drills and also learn first aid. The representatives of various groups are to participate in the exercise.

I hope that our departure will give a signal to young people that the times have come when we may have to get ready to defend our fatherland .Said the Marshal of the Polish Parliament Radoslaw Sikorski.

In March 2014 the media reported about alleged Polish defense plans in the event of Russian aggression.

The documents come from the meetings of the National Security Bureau, which took place between 7th and 11th March. The documents have almost 860 pages. The document which is entitled the “Eagle Guardian – Lift 11” bears the signature and is stamped by the head of the National Security Bureau gen. Stanislaw Koziej (code name “Shogun”). We may learn from it what the central offices evacuation in case of war with Russia may look like.

According to the document which was the subject of a lively discussion at the meetings, the evacuation of fourteen ministries is planned. There were made the lists containing the names of government officials who will be subjected to evacuation – along with the closest family members. Depending on the ministry the list contains from 98 people (The Ministry of Culture) to 168 (The Ministry of Economy). The Ministry of Defence has obtained the special status of the evacuation. A total list contains 3843 names, as we read in the weekly newspaper Nie .

The mobilization of reservists

Until now only those who have had active service, could have been called to do military service in the Polish Army. Now, after the regulation of the Prime Minister Ewa Kopacz the government can draft everyone who is capable of military service. Compulsory military exercises in 2015 include 12 thousand reservists who have only four hours to arrive at the military unit. Immediate appearance mode means that, after receiving a call you need to go as soon as possible to the place indicated in the call – the Army pays all travel expenses. For over a year local structures of Military Commission have been trying to establish who of the conscripts is in the country and who is not, and who will be reached in the event of any conflict.

As we read on the Polish Press Agency’s website. To the tasks for 2015, the head of the Polish National Security Bureau included the adoption of the Law on the State Defence System during the war and conducting military exercises called “Country 2015”, which will test the system in case of running the country in crisis conditions.

The doctrine already applies to concrete actions, money, people, structures. This is a very specific, detailed, secret plan for the state actions in the event of war“. Said the Head of the Polish National Security Bureau.

As we read on the website of the newspaper “W polityce”:

A friend which is the councilor from Czestochowa, Artur Sokolowski told me that all the members of the City Council who are male, received letters from the secretariat of the Council of Ministers requesting a response to fill in personal data for the Military Recruitment .

The Head of the Polish National Security Bureau also advocates for the inclusion of the national defence system of any uniformed services and recognizes

the need for the wise land use of increased civic activity in the sphere of social security, which we observe in the last year.

In his opinion, organizations interested in the defence could be included e.g. for reserve mobilization training.

As a result, there is a growing number of Poles interested in paramilitary exercises in groups where they can receive basic military training and prepare for the defence of the country. The largest number of volunteers joins the ranks of the Riflemen’s Association “Strzelec”.

Currently “Strzelec” is working closely with the Ministry of Defence, in particular with the Office of the Defence and in Poland there is one of the largest non-government paramilitary organization of military character.

Preparations for the peace

The act of fraternal aid. Without a doubt, this law limits our sovereignty. I can’t imagine a situation in which our Western partners in the European Union would let itself to the fact that the Polish officers in Polish uniforms used for example coercive measures in foreign countries or armed operating in Paris or Berlin. After this law comes into force, officers of foreign states will be able to operate legally on Polish streets, including the possibility of using weapons.

As far as public gatherings and public events are concerned – to which this act mainly refers-we believe that the government is afraid of its own citizens, public meetings and mass events and wants to bring foreign forces here. If someone would like to use this bill some day in accordance with the possibilities that it gives, it would be an extremely dangerous weapon in the hands of the government to fight with the opposition.

The government is clearly afraid of the democratic mass events and public gatherings. It is afraid of Poles and it is ready to maintain itself by bringing foreign forces to Poland and give up the sovereignty of the state, said Jaroslaw Zielinski (PiS).

The well-known Polish sociologist professor Janusz Czapinski hits the nail on the head stating on the pages of a Polish newspaper.

Fundamentalist radicalism is growing in the young generation of Poles. – Pray that they emigrated as soon as possible so we may protect order.

Given the convergence introduced laws on public gatherings in Poland and Ukraine, I am sure that both the government in Kiev and Warsaw share a common goal that quite clearly articulates Mr. Professor above.

Exercises “Renegade-Privateer“: As the Polish Operational Command of the Armed Forces reported, the cyclical exercise scenario “Renegade-Kaper” this time provides the possibility of terrorist attacks against critical infrastructure and marine facilities and also important public facilities using a flying or floating object possessed by terrorists . As an exercise in some selected regions of the country there will be an attempt to check the alarm system which is supposed to alert the population. The modulated signal indicating an attack from the air will sound for three minutes.

Operation Country 2015. It is to evaluate the performance of similar crises as now in Ukraine. In 2015 in Poland 10 thousand alliance soldiers will take part in exercises . The Head of the Ministry of National Defence Tomasz Siemoniak announced that this year the Polish army will train very intensively.

In turn, the Lithuanian parliament on march 19th this year, urgently decided to reinstate the mandatory conscription. Mandatory conscription will replace the existing 3-month basic military training. The restoration of compulsory conscription is to be valid for 5 years.

We know of course that all the preparations are just for fun because our neighbors in Ukraine certainly do everything to maintain peace.

Ukraine is praying for you and you will survive. We will take back the Crimea, Stavropol and Taganrog (although the Stavropol and Taganrog territories always belonged to Russia).

We have returned to Ukraine faith in people and faith in Ukraine to people! We are on the East and won’t give up a single meter. You bet. Said the Deputy of the Verkhovna Rada of Ukraine and the commander of the regiment “Dnepr-1? Yuri Berioza.

So despite these completely random and unrelated military activities in Poland, the maneuvers which only the supporter of conspiracy theories might consider appropriate, for some unspecified reason, the war psychosis is on the rise , and not only in Eastern Europe but even far beyond Europe. Last time when I was looking for a place in the world where I could live I started talking with one guy living in Iceland. One of the first things he asked me about was.

Whether I run away in case of war ?

What can I say …. ?

I really deeply hope that people escape from here only because of the Poland’s economic disaster, the mentality of some part of the Polish society, but also the stupidity and cynicism of the Polish government, but not the war.

Konrad Stachnio is an independent Poland based journalist, he hosted a number of radio and TV programs for the Polish edition of Prison Planet, exclusively for the online magazine “New Eastern Outlook”.