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Washington Turns its Back on Poroshenko

Konrad Stachnio, February 19

453522322It seems that Poroshenko now has virtually no power over the course of events in Ukraine and he’s almost finished. According to what the leader of Novorossiya, Oleg Tsarov says – he will be overthrown soon; secondly, he does not represent any army because currently he is even unable to perform the successful mobilization since the majority of Ukrainians do not want to fight after all. Thirdly, the real power is the Right Sector, Yarosh, Kolomoisky. As Long as they have the money and weapons, there will be no ceasefire. Why is that?

…For the simple fact that their only interest is power for its own sake and they do not intend to protect the people of Ukraine. It may come sooner than later that either do to corruption/indolence or NATO subversion that all volunteer forces and nationalist partisans from all factions will be branded as criminals or bandits etc…. Quote from facebook of Misathropic Division.

THE Boys mean what they say and try really hard to produce their own weapons in workshops. There is even a video on this issue showing how to do produce an Ukrainian Bullpup.

Another negotiations took place in Minsk for settlement of the military situation in Donbass, Ukrainian government continues to ignore calls of volunteer battalions about necessity of arming for volunteers. But it’s impossible to win a war without weapons. Therefore DUC battalion did it yourself, basing on the fact that we have what we have. 

But it seems that the US will be supplying Ukrainian nationalists with “lethal defensive weapons” all the same, despite all contreversy this step may cause, in order to prolonge the war in Ukraine. Tthe leader of the “Right Sector” Dmytro Yarosh has already announced that an alternative General Staff was established, to which the so-called volunteer corps fighting against the uprising in Donbas will be subordinate.

Besides the UKO, about seventeen different volunteer battalions, both divisions subordinated to the Interior Ministry as well as the Ministry of Defence intend to join this initiative – said Yarosh.

Defense Minister of the self-proclaimed Donetsk People’s Republic Vladimir Kononov said

I have data that 17 territorial battalions withdrew from subordination to UAF and came under the jurisdiction of Yarosh. This is the “Right Sector.

And, of course, only by mere coincidence these 17 battalions are controlled by Kolomoisky, – who according to the information provided by Oleg Tsarov wants to overthrow the president by means of these battalions. Poroshenko is an unnecessary figure now who cannot control anything. At this point the U.S. turns its back on him because the Donbas pacification plan is not working as it was supposed to. Ordinary Ukrainians turn him away as well fleeing to avoid mobilization and finally his real power that is mean volunteer battalions are now in opposition to Poroshenko.

The peace in Ukraine may prevail when the main sponsor that is the U.S. will be ousted from power in Kiev. If Poroshenko fails, he will be replaced by someone else, possibly Kolomoisky, Yatsenyuk or some psychopaths from the Right Sector whose main dream is to fight to the last drop of blood and die on the battlefield. Even if the ceasefire comes into force, what will happen then with the bloodthirsty battalions which consider Poroshenko a traitor? Do you think that everything will return to normal? People will go to work, they will start paying taxes and spending time with their neighbors? But the guys from the Misanthropic Division said clearly that taxes and neighbors ‘are not interesting’ and they prefer feel the adrenaline rush on the battlefield.

The peace talks could work if the real power: the United States, volunteer battalions and Ukrainian oligarchs sponsoring them decided on signing a peace agreement with the New Russia. But that will not happen because the volunteer battalions regard New Russians as subhuman terrorists that must be eradicated as weeds. While The USA want to go to war, weaken and separate Russia from Europe and establish TTIP Instead. Peace is possible only if the private battalions don’t receive arms. This can occur either through lack of funding from the oligarchs, or by the fact that the army of New Russia would simply wipe them out, before the US ships its “means of supporting Ukranian democracy”. There’s no changing the view of those only intrested in slaughtering their Russian-speaking neighbours

Death is inevitable. But only those who will fall with honor as true warriors taste of eternal peace in the chambers of Valhalla.

We will win this war or we will die, but we will try to bring with us the largest number of enemies. Quote from the site of the Misathropic Division.

Let’s make it clear – these people want to die on the battlefield for the white race, national socialism and Bandera ideas etc. To eliminate them you need to conquer them militarily or cease financing them. Currently the homemade weapon produced by them is not enough to wage a full scale war, but things may change due to Washington. Should they be deprived of funding and arms shipments, they can do Maidan again in Kiev, or become completely independent guerrilla looting towns and villages, also producing their own weapons. Any similarities with the UPA-era World War 2? It’s quite a realistic scenario that should be taken into account as now they shoot at Ukrainians who dare to give up fighting on the frontline.

But let me say something to my favourite Yuri Michalczyszyn – the chief of propaganda and analysis of the Security Service of the SBU. Some time ago he gave a lecture called “Guerrilla war in the city”.

Wonderful and intolerant Palestinian people blow up the invaders, leading a guerrilla war in the city. In Gaza, appeared a new type of resistance fighters in urban conditions. Hamas leaders have developed extraordinary personal humility. A total of 1,500 Israelis were killed, who have been victims of Palestinian resistance fighters. There was a phenomenal phenomenon militants donate their lives and receiving (simultaneously) the lives of several occupiers … We see the effectiveness of guerrilla warfare involving ideologically committed fighters. Palestinians give us positive role models.

This is only an example of what volunteer battalions can do when they are deprived of funding from Kolomoisky, acting entirely on being banished by the new government – what as you can see from the above statements they realize and what is more they are even prepared for this.


A good sign is that the army of New Russia is becoming more and more skilful, and I think that soon it will be able to master the whole frontline. It is also quite promising that the recent peace talks in Minsk were unattended by the USA which due to the fact that Washington is increasingly marginalized and weakened. Another example is the fact that a few days ago the European Parliament adopted a resolution demanding to bring to court those responsible for the illegal detention of prisoners by the CIA. MEPs expressed their opposition to the “horrific interrogation methods used in the CIA’s secret prisons” Resolution also calls the United States to initiate appropriate investigations and punishment of the perpetrators responsible for torturing people detained in secret CIA facilities.

However, the provisions of the Minsk constantly seem to be a joke at a time when people who actually govern in Ukraine do not take part in them and certainly it is not Poroshenko.
 According to a report from the BBC President Obama has made it clear that the United States is on a war footing with Russia and we are now exploring all available options to deal with Putin should things in the Ukraine sour. US President Barack Obama says yes to diplomacy, but then adds: “Now, it is true that if, in fact, diplomacy fails, what I’ve asked my team to do is to look at all options.

What other means can we put in place to change Mr Putin’s calculus? And the possibility of lethal defensive weapons is one of those options that’s being examined.

An example could be the announcement of the us military training in Ukraine which is planned to start in march – the U.S. soldiers will train battalions in performing Security tasks, protecting from rebel artillery and etc.

Konrad Stachnio is an independent Poland based journalist, he hosted a number of radio and TV programs for the Polish edition of PrisonPlanet, exclusively for the online magazine “New Eastern Outlook”.