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The Hilarity of George Soros in Munich

F. William Engdahl, February 19

sorosSometimes I come across a comment from someone in the public eye that is so ridiculous it must not be let slip from view. Such was the case with remarks made by a man whose legal shenanigans I once personally faced in a Hamburg court (and survived quite well, thank you). I refer to a Hungarian-born American billionaire speculator and financier of tax-exempt foundations around the world, whose agenda remarkably parallels that of the US State Department for regime change.

As an investigative financial, political journalist for over three decades, I naturally traced the rise of the good Mr Soros since his incredible success in knocking Britain out of the Euro in the early 1990’s. I watched the mainstream media build a legend around “the man who broke the Bank of England.” Of course it was rubbish, because no single hedge fund speculator would afford to risk the billions that he did without insider help. In fact, some years later the same Soros was convicted for insider trading in French courts, something even his billions were not able to reverse.

Now the clearly ageing 84-year-old hedge fund speculator seems to have taken Ukraine to his heart. He is no stranger to the country, having co-financed along with the NED and other US State Department NGOs, the Orange Revolution in Kiev in 2004. He is plenty active in today’s Ukraine events as well, as he noted in a recent CNN interview: “I set up a foundation in Ukraine before Ukraine became independent of Russia. And the foundation has been functioning ever since and played an important part in events now.” That interview was made after the US State Department February 21, 2014 coup d’Etat.

The good Mr Soros, valiant crusader for his dream of an open society, has been leading a one-man campaign in recent months, castigating the EU leaders for not opening their checkbooks to the poor oppressed regime of neo-nazi Pravy Sektor anti-semites, of members of the openly anti-semitic pro-nazi Svoboda Party and other assorted US-backed criminals. Soros recently flew to Kiev to meet fellow billionaire, the ‘Chocolate King’ President of Ukraine, Petro Poroshenko to discuss their economic plight.

Speculation in financial markets was that Soros was desperate to find a way to get the West to cough up the billions Ukraine’s incompetent and quite illegal coup government needs to avoid declaration of debt default. Desperate, because Soros the speculator had reportedly bet a lot of his funds on a western bailout, buying Kiev state bonds on the ultra-cheap, hoping to literally make a killing when the bailout came. But, as EU Commission head Juncker made clear at the end of last year, there is no money for Ukraine in the EU budget. The IMF is holding back and Washington, while cheering on the war, and showering the Kiev coup regime with lavish words of praise, laughs and spends hardly anything.

Ukraine a democratic model?

Now the good Mr Soros has seen fit to grace the annual Munich Security Conference to offer his seemingly boundless wisdom on Ukraine. This time it is so hilarious I must share his remarks with you. He told the Munich audience, which included German Chancellor Merkel and Russian Foreign Minister Lavrov, Senator John McCain, John Kerry and assorted others of the world political stage: “Ukraine is what the European Union ought to be — a participatory democracy. Unfortunately it is a well-kept secret. It is a secret because it has not yet produced any positive results.”

Whoa! Wow, let’s reread that carefully.

Ukraine is “model of an ideal European participatory democracy”? Is that because of the rag-tag collection that the US Assistant Secretary of State, Victoria “Fuck the EU” Nuland imposed in February 2014 on the unfortunate Ukrainian people in the US-orchestrated coup. That coup was called by George Friedman, the head of the US Pentagon-linked consulting group, Stratfor recently, “the most blatant coup in history.”

Perhaps Mr Soros, who loves to philosophize about Karl Popper’s Open Society so much he named his foundations after it, referred to today’s Ukraine government. That government includes alleged Scientologist, Prime Minister Arseniy Yatsenyuk, as well as members of the neo-nazi Pravy Sektor in key defense and interior ministry posts. It is “soooo inclusive” for those Ukrainians to mingle Jewish governors like billionaire Igor Kolomoisky with the anti-semitic Pravy Sektor members of the Azov Battalion he finances in east Ukraine, to wage terror acts against innocent civilians, according to Israel’s Ma’ariv daily. Such open-mindedness must be praised, or?

No doubt the good Mr Soros–whose goodness he once underscored by founding, along with other good people like David Rockefeller and Bill Gates, the Good Club in New York, in order reportedly to find creative ways of reducing what they see as surplus eaters in our world—was also aware of a milestone law in participatory democracy recently passed by the present Kiev regime.

On 23 September 2014, the rascals in the present Kiev Rada or parliament passed a new law which Lyudmila Denisova, the Ukrainian Minister of Social Policy announced as official civilian slavery. With more than faint echoes of nazi slave labor camps, the new government law stated, “people will be involved without mandatory consent (sic), subject to enforcement operations, in work that is of a defensive nature, as well as man-made [i.e., war-related] disaster management, natural and military nature, during mobilization and wartime.”

Of course, as financier of the Human Rights Watch NGO, Mr Soros is aware that forced labor (“without mandatory consent”) laws are in violation of the UN Charter and international law. Andrej Hunko, German Member of the Bundestag and of the Parliamentary Assembly of the Council of Europe noted, just in case Mr Soros had a spell of moral confusion with his busy diplomatic schedule,

“The new rules announced by the Minister for social policy of labor service would mean the introduction of forced labor, which violates the European Convention on human rights…Yatsenyuk’s attempt to set forced labor now legally, is a further step towards an authoritarian society and must be stopped. This is the exact opposite of the supposed democratic development of Ukraine, as it is written by the Maidan movement.”

Soros waxed on almost poetic about Ukraine, his proposed EU model for participatory democratic state, at the Munich Security Conference: “They are now engaging in nation-building,” Soros added. He stressed this “volunteer spirit” was something very unusual when it came to governance, adding that some of the key ministers in the Ukrainian government were what he described as “volunteers”, claiming they were working for low salaries “for the sake of the country.” Like the US-picked American banker who is now Finance Minister, or the Georgian-national Health Minister whose wife worked for the CIA?

It is more and more clear that the recent pace of world events must be taking a toll on Mr Soros’ mental clarity. I must grant him one truth in his remarks in Munich, however, and that is that Kiev’s model participatory democracy is a “secret because it has not yet produced any positive results.”

F. William Engdahl is strategic risk consultant and lecturer, he holds a degree in politics from Princeton University and is a best-selling author on oil and geopolitics, exclusively for the online magazine “New Eastern Outlook”.