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Food Conspiracy: What Do We Eat?

Vladimir Platov, February 04

M9997777The last several decades witnessed a rapid growth of the world’s population. This has put particular stress on global food security, demanding special attention from everyone including leading nations to some of the poorest states on Earth. Under the influence of climate change, there has also been increasing mass starvation.

In the period from 1960 to 2000 the number of people on the planet has doubled, which led to the development of numerous secret programs aimed at the artificial decrease in birth rates, sponsored by leading international players. Additionally, the need to increase the yield of agricultural crops along with their resistance to different pathogenic bacteria and insects has become the basis for the development of genetically modified products.

As it was reported in a recent publication of The Age magazine, an Australian microbiologist and Nobel laureate Sir Frank Macfarlane Burnet urged the Australian government to develop biological weapons against “over-populated countries of Southeast Asia” in 1947. During a secret meeting in 1947 with The New Weapons and Equipment Development Committee microbiologists recommended “to form a research group tasked to create biological weapons that could be unleashed by contaminating food supplies in order to control the population of Indonesia and other Asian countries.”

A secret program under the codename Project Coast was established in South Africa by US intelligence services to pursue pretty much the same goals back in 1984. Under this program the viruses known as Marburg and Ebola were tested on the black population of South Africa under the direct supervision of the US Centers for Disease Control (CDC).

Until recently global agricultural outputs have been allowed to meet the growing demand for food in the developed world, while numerous experiments with genetic engineering and new fertilizers and pesticides that were carried out before 1960 allowed major corporations to slightly improve the yields of rice, wheat, maize, which are most commonly consumed across the globe, moreover, those companies managed to achieve a 40% drop in prices of these crops. On top of that all, the above stated achievements allowed big corporations to raise the average daily intake of calories in the developed countries to the level of almost two thousand calories per day over the last three decades, that could potentially lead to the compensation of metabolic changes in an aging human body.

However, consumption growth does not constitute a qualitative positive change in one’s obtaining all the elements necessary for healthy nutrition.

Unfortunately, we must recognize that various secret programs aimed at the reduction of the world’s population driven by a number of developed countries are being made to modify products in a way that a human body will receive up to ten times less nutrients and vitamins from the consumption of plants and animal products.

Thus, dozens of independent research studies that were carried out in the United States, Britain, Canada show a dramatic drop in the nutrition qualities of products we are all accustomed to. In particular, according to a study carried out by Worldwatch Institute the concentration of vitamin C, and beta-carotene (a vitamin A precursor), along with with calcium, iron, phosphorus and other elements that are imperative to sustain the life of a healthy human being has been dropping over the years. To obtain the nutritional equivalent of diets in the 1950’s in vitamins and minerals a person has to eat ten times more fruits and vegetables that he used to six decades ago.

According to Canadian studies that were published by CTV News the drop in amount of vitamins we are getting has been so dramatic that we have to eat a 100 more apples that we used to back in 1960, as for oranges, the ratio today is 20 to 1.

According to French experts, as the result of the aggressive plant breeding that had been used by certain developed countries, we ended up eating fruits and vegetables that retain their visual appeal longer while providing little to no benefit to our health. For instance a single gram of broccoli, a vegetable that has been traditionally consumed in a number of European countries over a long time would provide a human body with 12.9 milligrams of calcium back in 1950, and calcium plays an important role in bone building and blood clotting processes. However, according to U.S. Department of Agriculture (USDA) nutrient data, calcium content of broccoli had declined to only 4.4 mg/g in dry weight by 2003.

Other studies that were carried out by American scientists show that under the influence of plant breeding that has been pretty active over the last half-century resulted in soybeans, corn and grain, that is the primarily animal feed, do not contain enough copper, zinc, and iron, as a result of these important elements that our body used to take from the meat are simply missing from our daily diets. The nutritional value of milk is nowhere near where it used to be as well, which is no longer affecting the human nervous system and brain in a positive way.

The spread of the above stated facts can seriously harm the financial income of major food producers (above all, in the US), as they invest considerable resources to advertise products of questionable quality on the markets, since an “average citizen” cannot afford buying environmentally friendly healthy food anymore due to the rapidly deteriorating financial situation in the world. Instead, the population continues to consume dangerous food, which leads to wide spread obesity, various diseases, which may result in half of all children becoming autistic by 2025. This is the direct result of dangerous practices that had been implemented by certain American companies, in particular, Monsanto, that led to the creation of new GMOs. Therefore, even an ordinary soft drink can be extremely hazardous to human health.

In these circumstances, ensuring food security and establishing control of the food available is imperative to save mankind from impending food shortages and being able to sustain a healthy population on planet Earth.

Vladimir Platov, an expert on the Middle East, exclusively for the online magazine “New Eastern Outlook”