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Islamist Dogs of War in Ukraine

Konrad Stachnio, December 02


According to the news agency Regnum, wanted for years by Interpol, Samantha Lewthwaite, so-called ‘White Widow’, was killed about two some time ago near the border of Luhansk Republic and the Republic of Donetsk. She fought in the battalion “Ajdar”, on the side of the authorities from Kiev. She was as a sniper in the battalion. She was killed by a Russian sniper fighting on the side of ‘separatists’.

‘White widow’ was involved in terrorist attacks in Kenya. In East Africa, she was associated with the Somali branch of Al-Qaeda called Ash – Shabab. Lewthwaite came from the Anglo – Irish family. At 17, she converted to Islam.

Whereas, the Russian police detained the ‘GTA’ gang, as they call them in the Russian media. Police kills a leader of the group and arrests ten other members at housing estate near Moscow.

Bandits are accused of throwing spikes on the roads near Moscow and shooting their victims when they stopped and changed the tire. Passengers were also killed. About 20 people died in this way. Police sources have suggested that gang members come from Central Asia and they are followers of radical Wahhabism. Murders were supposed to be a test before sending members of the gang for the battle with the ‘infidels’. According to police sources, the case is linked to recruiting volunteers to the Salafi terrorist groups in Syria and Iraq.

The forces that acted on many fronts, organized or co-organized by the United States and its allies, among others, in Syria, but also in East Africa are in Ukraine now. These forces committed such crimes as the organization of suicide bombings in public places, kidnapping for ransom, and executions of political opponents, primarily in the burning Middle East and now they also operate in Ukraine.

It is very reasonable to compare the activities performed by the Right Sector and the political forces that support authorities in Kiev (recall that junta has come to the fore as a result of a coup in Ukraine) with an Islamic State or other terrorist organizations that operate in the Middle East today. The goal is very similar, as well as methods and sometimes they are the same people.

– said Mateusz Piskorski, the founder of the Center for Geopolitical Analysis in an interview I conducted with him.

On the Kiev side are fighting all sorts of mercenaries from different parts of the world, both from Western Europe, Muslim countries and western provinces of China – I am thinking even of Chinese separatists.

We may think that this is an exotic alliance, but it is clear that the common denominator is a single centre of power, which is a contracting party and organizer of these kinds of actions. This is a further proof that the same very influential states and organizational structures stand behind the arson of the Middle East and Ukraine.

In Ukraine, private military company, called “Private Military Corporations” is also very active. Such as the ‘Academy’, for which Polish mercenaries work. Their daily rate is about $ 500.

It’s quite an attractive salary for the so-called “War dogs from very different countries”. The problem is that in the case of Polish mercenaries, they are elite soldiers of ‘Grom’ (polish special forces). People who must have obtained at least silent approval from Ministry of Defense and the Polish General Staff.

This information proves that Polish Armed Forces are directly involved in aggressive action in Ukraine. The conflict in Ukraine bears the imprint of crimes against humanity. Poland, as a country engaged in such activities, can be held liable for complicity in these crimes in the future. In addition, the members of the Right Sector start appearing on Polish territory.

As a result of the collapse of Ukrainian statehood. The numerous signs that reach us say that people associated with the Right Sector are already present in some districts of the province of Podkarpacie and they lead there quite intensive actions. I guess none of us here in Poland doesn’t want to have to deal with such groups on our territory.

These are groups that resort to violence. It is not excluded that after some time, these groups will use violence on Polish territory.

However, according to the SBU, there are a completely different ‘terrorists’ on the territory of Ukraine:

SBU, on their website, defamed all foreign observers of the election in the New Russia, which took place on November 2. They wrote that they are co-workers, partners of terrorists and bandits.

Mateusz Piskorski, as one of the Western observers of New Russia elections, announced a lawsuit against SBU on the basis of Ukrainian law.

We are dealing with a terrifying violations of the internal laws of Ukraine and human rights violations on a huge scale. SBU has something to hide. Otherwise, they would not be afraid of so many international observers who were there just to see what is the actual situation at war-torn regions of Ukraine.

Among the observers were also American. The American observers, making use of the American system, will be be filling lawsuits against SBU in the United States.

Methods and motivations of the SBU will be more clearly to us when we look at who heads the SBU. According to the site ukraineantifascistsolidarity.wordpress.com

Yuriy Mykhalchyshyn infamous extreme right politician from the Svoboda party who once promoted Joseph Goebbels’ A Little ABC of National Socialism and the 25-point NSDAP Program, will head up propaganda and analysis in the Security Service of Ukraine.

Konrad Stachnio is an independent Poland based journalist, he hosted a number of radio and TV programs for the Polish edition of PrisonPlanet, exclusively for the online magazine “New Eastern Outlook”.