05.09.2014 Author: Konstantin Orlov

Saudi Arabia: a change in course?

4353453The large-scale events currently unfolding in the Middle East quite clearly and explicitly support the proverbial wisdom according to which “he who digs a pit for others falls in himself. Don’t dig one hole to another, I’ll fall into it.” It is this saying comes to mind when you hear the statements coming from some of the heads of the Persian Gulf monarchies and the Western leaders. This Here is one characteristically which specifically describes the current situation;“Terror is a force for evil, you have to fight it wisely and quickly,” said the King of Saudi Arabia, Abdullah bin ibn Abd al-Aziz Al Saud, during a meeting with foreign diplomats in Jeddah. I am sure that if we abandon the war on terror will be not be waged, then I’m sure that within a month terror it will come to Europe, and a month after that, it will be in the United States.” The Saudi King of Saudi Arabia met with the ambassadors of foreign countries the day after the UK decided to raise its threat level for of the likelihood the potential of a terrorist attack to level four (there are five levels).

After the King and the Grand Mufti of Saudi Arabia, Sheikh Abdul Aziz al-Sheikh, followed suit of the Kind called the jihadists of al-Qaeda and the Islamic state(IS) the main enemies of Islam. “The ideas of extremism, radicalism and terrorism have nothing to do with Islam, and, therefore, their spiritual leades are the number one enemies of the religion.” His statements that were reported by the Arab media went on to say that Muslims had become the main victims of this extremism, as clearly evidenced by the crimes committed by these groups and related structures.”. He also And with this he quoted a verse from the Koran, that calls to kill which states that the perpetrators of those committing acts which are murder are “detrimental to Islam.”

It seems like it was only yesterday that the American US hawks created the organization of al-Qaeda appointing the ; and at the head of it, they placed one Saudi, Osama bin Laden as its leader. It should be noted that his fame at the time was associated explained primarily to with his close connections to the Saudi royal family. Then At that time they anathematized the limited contingent of Soviet troops in Afghanistan and praised wherever they could the insurgents of al-Qaeda as the true fighters defending for freedom and independence. And we all recall the Secretary of State at the time posing for a group photo holding a rifle and surrounded by the militants with the caption, “I see only Russians in the sights.” The United States and other Western countries saturated al-Qaeda to the limit with a range of modern weapons, including Stinger missiles that were sent to Afghanistan for testing along with American instructors. And within Saudi Arabia and a few other countries, an unprecedented campaign to raise funds to help the rebels was launched in Saudi Arabia and a few other countries. In the mosques and the Grand Mufti, and ordinary ​​imams preached the idea of a campaign to recruit and send volunteers fighters to bolster the ranks of al-Qaeda.

Since then, Saudi Arabia, according to many within the international media circles outlets, has been is considered to be as one of the world’s leading state sponsors of terrorism; and with regards to this, one can offer up a lot of convincing evidence. But, apparently, in a rather recent statement, the former leaders of Iraq were well versed with the problem. – According to the communiqué released by the Iraqi cabinet, “Saudi Arabia is on the side of the terrorist groups and is financially supporting them, as and is responsible well as for the current events currently occurring in Iraq,. the communiqué released by the Iraqi cabinet-these include in particular, crimes that can be deemed classified as genocide:, the shedding of the blood of the Iraqi people, the destruction of the Iraqi state institutions, historic monuments and religious sites.”.

Brian Becker, the national coordinator of the ANSWER anti-war movement ANSWER also supports this view: “Elite Donors of American allies in the Gulf region have invested huge amounts of resources in the rebel groups of IS in an effort to promote the three main objectives: to oppose Iran and its ally, the government of Bashar Assad in Syria; to incite hatred between Sunnis and Shiites so that it engulfs the region in order to get domination in the region.” And in the regard as such, said according to Brian Becker, “the United States and its allies must assume some of the blame for “the growth of the Islamic State of Iraq and Syria and a new wave of terrorism in the region.”.

Suddenly there i’s a dramatic shift sharp turn of from active support for of terrorist groups towards a policy to fight against them. What’s the deal here? And the explanation is quite simple. When terrorist groups and their fighters fought against the Soviet Union, against the Russian Federation, fanning the flames of separatism in the Caucasus, (and now support the pro-fascist regime in Ukraine, using planes and tanks to destroy your their own people), they enjoyed unconditional support and they were greeted as heroes in some capitals of the Arab East and the West. But when the terrorists began to play their own game, pushing their principles of Islam, they instantly turned into became enemies of the Saudis and of the West.

Just like As al-Qaeda, the Islamic State opposes the Saudi royal family and claims that it is corrupt and only acts in accordance to the orders issued to it by from the United States and Israel. The newly declared self-proclaimed Caliph of Abu Bakr al-Baghdadi, according to his own words, seeks to overthrow the royal dynasty and further expand his caliphate on the Saudi territory. Not surprisingly, these terrorist organizations have a strong position in Yemen, which serves as a good base for the conquering st of Saudi Arabia. If al-Qaeda in Yemen maintains its stronghold in Yemen position, then it is possible not unlikely that the IS will attempt to oust the Islamist forces operating there and to play a decisive role in this fight.

Sensing a real danger, Riyadh instantly forgot about their support for “their freedom fighters” and announced declared many organizations as being a terrorist organizations organization. Within the country truly draconian measures have been taken to ensure that the Saud dynasty will continue to rule alone this oil-rich state.

Saudi Arabia has recently introduced a series of new laws, according to which, many, especially atheists, are considered to be terrorists, the newspaper The Independent reports, referring to the a report of Human Rights Watch report. A series of royal decrees and new, comprehensive legislation directed against terrorism as a whole, the Saudi King puts pressure on all forms of political dissent and protests that could “harm the public order”, the article says. The first article of the new law defines terrorism as “an appeal call to for atheist thinking in any form, either as an attempt to call into question the basic principles of the religion of the Islam, which lie at the heart of the state”. These laws break all the hopes that “King Abdullah intended to find a place for peaceful dissent or independent groups”, said Joe Stork, deputy director of Human Rights Watch on for the Middle East and North Africa.

As it passed,According to the Saudi Press Agency, published that the Court court of the Saudi Arabia capital sentenced 18 people to prison terms ranging from 10 months to 25 years on charges of financing terrorist organizations. Convicted persons are charged with the collection of information on foreigners living in the kingdom, the illegal possession of weapons and explosives.

Riyadh’s was the most active efforts, as the stated by the Saudi press itself remarked, were for the to eradication of terrorism at home and in the region of the Persian state. It holds numerous shall convene a meetings of State members of the Cooperation Council for the Arab States of the Gulf (GCC)the Cooperation Council for the Arab Gulf States, trying to bring its new ideology to others. Given that Saudi Arabia is considered the “older sister” for other countries on the Arabian Peninsula, there is no doubt of success, at least in words, there is no doubt.

At the 132nd session of the GCC Foreign Ministers of the CCASG just recently held recently in Jeddah, it focused primarily on the fight against terrorism, the condemnation of its existence in any form, and in particular, this applies to Islamist militants from the radical Sunni group known as IS for their activities in Syria and Iraq.

We strongly condemn the methods of those who use Islam as an excuse to for mass killings and displacement of the people of Iraq and Syria”, written states in the communiqué released on the results of this after the session. In addition, it was also stressed that, the earlier, members of this regional organization supported the UN resolution calling for the introduction of sanctions against the persons involved in the activities of IS. , in particular, among the measures taken was included the freezing of assets and restrictions placed on foreign travel of key members of the terrorist organization.

It is obvious that when trouble arrived at Saudi Arabia’s front door, it abruptly changed its course of actions and any previous attachment allegiances to the terrorists was ended and it instead declared war on the terror. It is unfortunate that this did not happen sooner; we could have avoided a lot of trouble and casualties. Will there be results? As the proverb says, “don’t count your chickens before they hatch”.

Konstantin Orlov, political observer, exclusively for the online magazine “New Eastern Outlook”.