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MH17 and America’s Deceitful Game

Gordon Duff, July 22

435345America claims “evidence is being tampered with.” Who would know better than America? After 9/11, the evidence, not just the dirt itself, enriched with uranium and plutonium, taken to a landfill, but the scant remains of the twin towers, sold to China, never to be examined but in passing.

America is playing a double game, crying out about tampered evidence in order to maintain deniability when the evidence turns against them. There have been thousands of photos of the crash site of MH317 but, curiously no overhead photos of the wreckage field, covering more than a square mile.

Huge sections of wing, fuselage and interior, untouched and pristine, scatter the countryside. Secretary Kerry was silent when it was learned that the video Kiev had released of the crash had been fabricated. Fabricating a video is not “tampering” to Kerry.


The large pieces of wreckage, untouched by flame, undamaged by missile fragments, real or imaginary, are “slam dunk” proof that MH17 was torn apart at 33,000 feet from the inside. You see, MH17 took off from Schipol Airport in Amsterdam, a facility controlled by ICTS, a company established by former Israeli Shin Bet members.
They have put bombs on planes before.

Back in 2009, a young learning disabled son of a wealthy Nigerian banker, close associate of the CIA and business partner with Israeli firms now tied to Boko Harum, landed in Schiphol Airport. There, he was met by ICTS security and taken through an aircrew security door so that he wouldn’t be held in immigration detention. You see, he had no passport, no visa, no luggage, no money and had not changed clothing nor bathed in weeks.

ICTS furnished young Umar Mutallab with a bomb, walked him through the airport, around security checkpoints and directly onto a US bound plane, seating him in exclusive VIP first class.

Back in 2009, when our Israeli friends placed a bomb on a Detroit bound plane, attorney Kurt Haskell was watching. He reported it to the FBI, especially how he saw ICTS personnel place Mutallab on the plane, helping him avoid security checkpoints. Haskell was an eye witness. Here is Haskell’s story:

“With jury selection set to begin in the Underwear Bomber Trial set to begin tomorrow, I’ve spent the evening reminiscing about Christmas Day 2009 and the 21 months since. The Underwear Bomber attack has fundamentally changed my life. Not in the way most would think, but it has destroyed any faith I’ve had in the U.S. Government, the media and this country as a whole. To say that I believe the government is corrupt and the media is complicit doesn’t fully explain my beliefs. Not only have I come to those conclusions, but I’ve witnessed that an ordinary person who sees something important can be silenced despite his efforts to spread the truth. Such is the Underwear Bomber case. I can do nothing but laugh at the TSA’s new policy of “If you see something say something.” That is exactly what I did, and not only did the U.S. Government not want to hear what I had to say, but it actively lied about it, attempted to get me to change my story, and hid, by withholding (secret government) evidence or putting a protective order on the evidence and nearly everything that would support my eyewitness account.”

This is the same America accusing others of withholding evidence. Should anyone be surprised when a plane leaves Schipol Airport with a bomb on it? We saw America cover up 9/11. For those still in denial, the 2009 attempted terror bombing in Detroit should be enough.

But, it gets better. We are now told that “terrorists” are hiding the evidence. In today’s South China Post, a newspaper seemingly “Chinese” but in fact a CIA front, a highly biased and foundationless article attacking Russia was published. The photo they show are first responders in uniform, carrying body bags away from the scene, bodies that had, in fact, fallen a great distance from the crash site. You see, when a plane is destroyed by a “Schiphol bomb” at 33,000 feet, bodies aren’t conveniently “vaporized” as we saw with 9/11.

When the bodies aren’t picked up, the dead are disrespected. When they are picked up, “evidence is being tampered with.”


The answer is easy. Terrorist crimes, as with any other crime, require “means, motive and opportunity.”

If Russia or Novorussian separatist downed the plane, something evidence at this point does not support, we see “means” and maybe even “opportunity,” something yet unproven. But there is no motive. When we look at a missile hit and look to the post-coup junta in Kiev, we have all three, means, motive and opportunity.

When we look at a bomb, the answer that fits the evidence, we only have to look to Schipol. There we find the Israeli backers of the Kiev junta, with a Gaza war to hide and wild conspiracy theories for the press and their political “creatures of the night.”

AS Kurt Haskell would tell you, they “do bombs” at Schipol. They did bombs in 2009, they put them on airliners. If they did it then, they are still doing it because the reason they did it then is the same reason they are doing it now. They have motive, tons of motive. Running security and with an established history of planting bombs on airliners, it is not a stretch to accuse them of doing it again. That’s opportunity, opportunity “in spaces.”

All that is left is to ask yourself, “could an Israeli security company come up with a bomb?” Then we only have to go back to 2009. Yes, that wasn’t a great bomb, but what bomb designed to fit in underwear is. This time they had an entire plane at their disposal.

Best of all, whatever is found, all they have to do is claim the evidence was tampered with. In fact they have already done so. Now we know why.

Gordon Duff is a Marine combat veteran of the Vietnam War that has worked on veterans and POW issues for decades and consulted with governments challenged by security issues. He’s a senior editor and chairman of the board of Veterans Today, especially for the online magazine “New Eastern Outlook.