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The new aggressive strategies of the US in Iraq

Viktor Mikhin, July 04

8995The recent, supposedly unexpected events, unfolding in the Middle East, especially in Iraq, shed some light on the subsequent “grand” plans of the United States and its allies. Every day brings additional new evidence to support the sinister designs of the new masters of the world for the reshaping of a number of states in the Middle East in their own interests. Moreover, Washington’s strategy is to correct their mistakes one way or another and once again “replay” history in this highly volatile region of the world.

At first glance it appeared that it was a victorious raid by the militant organization ISIS upon Iraq that was planned and prepared for by just the leaders of this terrorist organization. But a closer analysis of the organization, its leaders and ideology reveals that everything is not quite so simple, and that for all its public appearances they have a secondary pattern, and on it for some reason there always appears the smug and forever smiling, from faith to permissiveness, face of Uncle Sam.

First of all, is it surprising to anyone that this ISIS organization was created “in the likeness and image” and emerged out from underneath the same rock as Al- Qaeda, which was established by the CIA in conjunction with the Saudis to kill Soviet soldiers in Afghanistan, and then unexpectedly broke free from its alma mater to begin its independent life. But the evidence suggests that in fact that ISIS was also established, trained and supplied with weapons by the CIA, and counted among its leadership are many American agents. Barack Obama’s statements regarding the alleged fight against ISIS come amid recognition by some Jordanian officials that members of this organization were trained by U.S. experts at a secret base in Jordan. Thus, there is evidence to suggest that, in 2012 dozens of members of ISIS were trained in the small town of Al-Safavi in a desert region in the north-east of the country. These activities were part of a clandestine plan to assist the militants who initially had to mount attacks on Syria, but then their next target was for operations was Iraq.

The Syrian Kurdish leader, Salih Muslim, has claimed that there is ample evidence showing that, Ankara, as NATO member and on behalf of Washington gathered and trained, and then supplied Islamic radicals from around the world, including ISIS. Chairman of the Republican People’s Party of Turkey, Kemal Kılıçdaroğlu, confirmed that there is evidence suggesting weapon shipments to ISIS by the government Justice and Development Party. In an interview with the Turkish newspaper Cumhuriyet (the Republic), the Turkish opposition leader said that “the Erdogan government will pay dearly for its pro-American policy in the Middle East”.
Taking into account such reports and other available evidence, the sincerity of statements coming from the United States regarding their fight against terrorism is in serious doubt. We should not forget the double standard position Washington employs in its fight against terrorism. For example, in its plan to counter the legitimate government of Syria, the White House openly supports various terrorist groups who only sow death, fear and destruction on the territory of Syria. However, now that in Iraq ISIS has intensified and under attack were U.S. allies in the region, especially in Jordan, Washington again began with the stirring speeches about the fight against terrorism. Nevertheless, from the U.S. perspective, shares in these very same terrorist groups in Syria had a legitimate nature.

Thus, one can easily see that ISIS is not just a terrorist organization on its own, but a tool for Washington to use in order to destroy the regime of Bashar al-Assad. The raid by the militants of this organization was also planned and prepared by the CIA and its agents. Barack Obama was made aware of all this in advance, as stated on the website Kurdistan.ru, including by the security services of Kurdistan on the forthcoming offensive by the Sunni radical organization, “the Islamic State in Iraq and Syria”, supported and inspired by the Sunni monarchies and clans of the Persian Gulf for starting a terrorist war against the Shiite government in Iraq. But in this case, Barack Obama and other politicians within the administration pretended to be naive “kids” poorly hiding their own alliances and friendly relations with these ISIS patrons, the organization which was tasked to achieve the overthrow of the current ruling Shiite regimes in Syria and Iraq and for the beginning of a rebirth for an Islamic caliphate in the Greater Middle East. And in an Islamic caliphate, Iran’s interests are not considered, thus Baghdad can emerge out from underneath the considerable influence of the Iranian mullahs in Iraq and in the Shiite government of al-Maliki.

And as if by magic, with a wave of their sinister wands, a merger of territories was announced falling under the control of militants in Iraq and Syria, and the creation of an Islamic caliphate where Sharia law would apply. According to an official ISIS spokesperson, the Caliphate will include territory from Aleppo in northern Syria to Diyala in eastern Iraq. A representative of the Islamists also noted that the group will change its name and will be called the “Islamic State”. The group also reported that, Abu Bakr al-Baghdadi has been appointed by the Caliph as its leader.

But Washington is planning even more tasks for ISIS and their militants, who didn’t have the most modern weapons in their fight against Damascus, and officially the United States for some reason could not supply them with the much needed weaponry. And exactly for this reason Iraq was played like an entire vaudeville production over the supply of weapons to militants from the Iraqi army; the Americans threw dust in eyes of Iraqi’s Commander–in-Chief considerably. There are even pictures appearing online of new weapons allegedly seized by militants, modern small arms, armored personnel carriers, artillery and 100 sets of MANPADS (man-portable air-defense systems). All these weapons will, quite naturally, be used not only on Iraqi territory, but also in Syria, which means that because of the West there will be another bloody round in the fight for power in that country and with new victims.

Capturing Mosul, which at the time of the ISIS attack was home to 55,000 police officers and 24,000 soldiers, the militants were able to simultaneously loot the banks in the city, enriching their financial position by securing about 500 million USD plus a significant amount of gold as well as other securities. Western media now considers ISIS as the richest terrorist organization in the world, holding a worth estimated at around 2 billion USD. In comparison, the infamous Al-Qaeda earns about 100 million USD in a year. Thus, the leaders of ISIS who have captured the most advanced weapons in Iraq now have enormous opportunities to recruit a large number of militants and professionals from all over the world.

And it is not by accident that the U.S. media remember more and more the sad events of 9/11, and almost every day print alarming stories. In this regard, the statement by Republican Senator, Rand Paul in an interview with CNN is typical, he stated that the situation in Iraq, in which radical militants of the group the Islamic State in Iraq and Syria are capturing one city after another, is primarily the fault of the United States. He honestly admitted in an interview that, “Iraq has also turned into a wonderland for the Islamists, and not because we were involved too little in the process, but because we were too strongly involved”. Rand Paul and noted that the U.S. arming Syrian rebels in Syria were allies of ISIS. He also added that “one of the reasons why the group ISIS has now become so much bolder is due to the fact that we were arming its allies. We cooperated with ISIS in Syria. They felt safe there because we were arming the rebels in order to keep al-Assad away from them”.

ISIS for Washington and performs the task of exerting pressure on al-Maliki so that he has to tone down his close relationship with Tehran, which has recently grown quite comfortable acting in a role of host on Iraqi territory. It is not surprising that President Obama, who initially seemed to call for the Iranian ayatollahs to help Baghdad, has now changed his mind, saying that the United States is against any state intervening in the internal affairs of Iraq. It is quite clear that the question in this case was Tehran, which instantly and secretly sent their elite units to help al-Maliki. At the same time an American president sent Secretary of State John Kerry on a Middle East tour for talks with the regimes of the Persian Gulf, thus making it clear that they, like the Sunni groups, had further secured American support.

It is quite obvious that the responsibility for recent bloody events in Iraq lies primarily with the United States. “It is without question – said Russian Foreign Minister Sergei Lavrov, – these are sprouting seeds that were planted back in 2003 when the U.S. and Britain began another adventure – another because there were many and none of these adventures started by these countries has ended well. I remember in May 2003 when then U.S. President George W. Bush on the deck of one of the aircraft carriers announced a victory for democracy in Iraq. After that, the U.S. has turned Iraq into a protectorate. Speaking in our categories, there was a governor-general who disbanded the entire army, all the security forces and the police”.
Russian President Vladimir Putin wrote in an article in The New York Times that the military intervention in internal conflicts of other countries has become commonplace in the United States. “It’s an ordinary thing”, accumulating for decades and has clearly built under a system of goals, methods, and legal justifications. Who will punish America for terrorism? Vladimir Putin has said that millions of people around the world are increasingly seeing that America is not a model of democracy, and the country that relies only on brute force to cobble together a coalition under the slogan, “Who is not with us is against us”. Such aggressive tactics of U.S. foreign policy is on full display now in Iraq and Syria for the entire world to see.

Viktor Mikhin is a corresponding member of the Russian Academy of Natural Sciences, exclusively for the online magazine “New Eastern Outlook”.