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Right Sector’s Muzychko gets three bullets with dinner

Jim Dean, March 28

287x300“Next the statesmen will invent cheap lies, putting the blame upon the nation that is attacked, and every man will be glad of those conscience-soothing falsities, and will diligently study them, and refuse to examine any refutations of them; and thus he will by and by convince himself that the war is just, and will thank God for the better sleep he enjoys after this process of grotesque self-deception.”  – Mark Twain (1916)

I had written an article Sunday night were I stated that if the Ukraine military and internal security did not take on the ultra-nationalist thugs soon and clean them out, that they would take what little credibility the post-coup regime has, down in flames with them.

Little did I know that the Interior Ministry had an arrest team on the way to get the Right Sector’s head terrorist goon, Alexander Muzychko while he was having dinner with his bodyguards. From the size of Muzychko’s belly, dinner is a serious event.

If you don’t recognize the name Muzychko, he has been the highly visible enforcement muscle for the Right Sector’s leader, Dmitry Yarosh who is currently an MP and therefore has immunity. He is now a white collar mobster but keeps the thugs in the ranks as his political terror arm.

Muzychko has been very visible on YouTube videos crashing town council meetings and scaring the hell out of everybody in regards to what the Right Sector might do to them if they are unhappy. The one where he was slapping around the prosecutor’s assistant ended up being his undoing. Charges were filed on Muzychko on March 8thfor assaulting a judicial officer and an arrest warrant issued on March 12th. It seems that the Interior ministry had not been tracking the leaders as it took too two weeks to catch him.

Muzychko had already threatened to kill the interior minister by hanging him like a dog. That was not a very diplomatic thing for the right hand man of the Right Sector leader and new MP to be saying to the head of security. So what we had going on here was the old “good cop, bad cop” game. Muzychko lost the game, deciding to shoot it out with the cops. He took three in the chest and is on his way to the infernal regions.

The Right Sector predictably tried to turn him into an assassination martyr, but that will be a hard sell. The guy was a dangerous and brutal criminal, with a long record of preying on Ukrainian people. He did his three-year prison stint in the early 2003 period for torturing a businessman he was extorting.

We have seen this repeatedly in times of instability and upheaval. All the criminal elements “go political,” and continue their criminal activities under a smokescreen of revolution or whatever the flavor of the day is, including joining the EU or NATO. The West has a long record of using criminal elements to overthrow governments as part of their Democracy Freedom March, and nobody does it better than the good ole USA.

The Right Sector goons are the number one suspects in the Maidan sniper killings that brought the Yushchenko government down and are running for their lives. We know now that Julia Tymoshenko supported them, as anyone that hated Russians and wanted to kill them was friend of hers. The Wicked Witch of the West put that all on display with the Russian security services’ latest phone intercept release. When asked by an aide what should they do about the eight million Russians inside of Ukraine, she said with no hesitation, “We will have to kill them all with nuclear weapons.” Now isn’t that special?

Mind you these people, Muzychko, Yarosh, “Tymoshenko the Terrible,” and a lot more like them, are now all friends with our Nobel Peace prize president’s State Department, our Congress, the NeoCons, AIPAC, and all the other Neo-Imperialist warmongers we share the US with.

But even the Israelis got suckered by the Right Sector. The Jewish Forward online magazine has reported that Israel’s Kiev Ambassador Reuven Din El established communication with Yarosh over concerns that the Zios did not really want to interfere with their thuggery as long as Jews were spared.

Of course Yarosh, not being an idiot, told the Ambassador what he wanted to hear. The Israelis could not have been so stupid as to have believed him, despite Yarosh assuring him there were no anti-Semites in his group of 10,000. But when he announced the forming of the Right Sector political party this week, he invited all the other ultra-nationalists knuckle-draggers to join, Jew haters and all.

But these thugs had a ready-made support group in the US. The Iraq War NeoCons had been lying low after all the disasters they had urged the country into. They have been involved in the new anti-Russian Jihad, partially due to the masterful diplomacy that Lavrov has shown in defeating the Israeli-US-Gulf States attack on Syria. They were frothing at the mouth to get some payback licks in on Putin.

When the dust had settled and the bodies buried from the Kiev coup, the Washington Pressitutes knew it was time to clean up the reputation of the Maidan thugs. One of the tools of that trade is the big interview. So they lined one up for Yarosh with Newsweek. Here are a few goodies of him portraying himself as the passionate nationalist.

“I was training paramilitary troops for almost 25 years. Although we just came out of the revolution, my guys are continuing military training all across Ukraine, ready to cleanse the country of the occupiers.”… “As in any army, we have specialists trained to shoot S-300 missiles. In case of a partisan war, there will be shooting from every house.”

But this was for the American press. Fortunately, he and his followers have made lots of statements where they felt safe from Western ears and media hearing. Moving quickly to consolidate power and to eliminate anyone in his way, he pushed early to have all of his thugs brought into his new Revolutionary National Guard. He declared this would be his launching pad to move them into the police and secret service ranks. Is AIPAC already advising this guy?

He was betting that those wanting to run for the presidency would like to have some well-placed, good muscle to terrorize their political opponents. But Yarosh overplayed his hand by announcing that that the first task of the new Guard would be to arrest enemies of the Kiev coup.

That had to send some shudders even through the hard-boiled Western supporters who did not give a hoot for the 100 dead from the Maidan killings. Mass arrests of course would mean arrests of ethnic Russians, and an idiot would know that would bring the Russians pouring into the Ukraine to defend the millions there. Any world power would do so in a similar situation.

The Minister of the Interior had to make a decision whether to let Yarosh get stronger or go ahead and get the blood-letting started now and get it over with. The public hates the goons. Right Sector was only polling 1.5% for president, so they would cheer a crackdown on these gangsters. And we may not need to wait long.

The Right Sector troops have threatened revenge on the Interior Ministry. It will probably step back and let them make some attacks while preparing a counter blow. If the Interior Minister is smart he will bring the army in for back up. Yarosh is already calling for his replacement, so he is challenging the interim government right now. This is a showdown.

The coup government will call the US Embassy for instructions as the good puppets they are. So Washington is stuck with the lesser of two evils. One is having a puppet government taken over by a bunch of hoodlums who would get their hands on Ukraine’s nukes. The other is watching their heavily invested in coup getting into a mini civil war while the Russians watch…and if their people start getting killed in the East, this will trigger bringing their army in.

Either way the NeoCons will be dancing in the the streets. If it turns into a bigger disaster, they will blame it on Obama’s mishandling. And it he goes well and solidifies the coup government, they will happily hope to see a large NATO contingent invited into Ukraine for the eyeball-to-eyeball confrontation they want.

Think NeoCons equals Right Sector in expensive suits. Think AIPAC… and look at the power they have over our own government. Do you think people like this are capable of good intentions toward anyone but themselves? These are very dangerous people, and have to be dealt with in an appropriate manner. To be continued…

 Jim W. Dean, managing editor for VeteranToday.com, producer/host of Heritage TV Atlanta, specially for “New Eastern Outlook”.