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Iran’s WMD: The Nonexistent Threat

Jim Dean, February 01

iran-iraq“Lies can run for a year, but truth can catch them in a day.” …an African proverb.

Veterans Today was right, and finally acknowledgment is coming from mainstream media, though not on purpose, from American Conservative magazine. But we and our long time source Clinton Bastin were edited out of the process, something we are long used to. Nothing in the Intel community with their huge budget and big payrolls is hated more than people with tiny budgets and staffs, to not only be right, but beat them to the goal line. This have become possible due to Phil Giraldi and American Conservative.

Here is what Phil reveals that they concluded:

The U.S. intelligence teams, in line with their previous estimates of Iranian capabilities, demonstrated that Iran is at least five years away from a viable nuclear weapon and even farther away from a delivery system even if such programs were fully funded, supported politically, and not subject to sabotage. Any slowdown of enrichment activity through multilateral agreements coupled with more aggressive monitoring would push that timetable even further back.

Phil, like everyone else but us, while putting the spotlight on one aspect of the challenge, continues to keep us in the dark on the most important one. And this is the hoax played by the leader of the free world, with Israel as it’s junk yard dog, that Iran had a nuclear weapons program that they were hiding. Iran did not…and we at VT knew that our government knew they did not. And now amongst the warm glow of the progress that is being made, the hoax part, a cruel hoax, is having concrete poured over it.

Gordon Duff and I have written several major stories about this, based on our VT nuclear weapons and proliferation expert who worked for the Department of Energy for forty years and saw it all. Clinton Bastin’s estimate was Iran would need ten years to produce a deployable nuclear threat, and just a defensive on at that.

But there was more. He added that they could not do it in secret because the IAEA had the capability of detecting any diversion of material very quickly through their own monitoring. Because Clinton did not have the satellite technology clearances, he was not aware that we have long been able to detect nuclear weapons work going on from space. I will not bore you with the details as it is quite complicated but there are two aspects to it.

One…how long have we been able to see things in distant galaxies many many light years away, down to being able to analyze the molecular structures of space dust and atmospheres? Now well do you think we could detect something going on here on earth from a few hundred miles, using the same technology?

And two, anyone doing anything under ground to hide it, in a major facility…would have have to have vents coming out somewhere to expel air that they wanted dispersed for a variety of reasons. How well do you think that could be analyzed, and not only by us? Yes, others have the capacity, also.

We never discussed the nuts and bolts of the satellite aspectes with Clinton because that was not his area. But what he did know, because he was THE expert…he made somewhat of a pest of himself by formally contacting both the US and Israeli governments that they were wrong on the Iran nuclear threat pandering, and providing them his proof.

They were polite, and thanked Clinton for his material, but not a soul every followed up to get briefed more deeply. They already knew he was right. The FBI here in Atlanta asked him to copy them any letters to the editor he was sending out, his somewhat antiquated way of trying to get the word out…like the New York Times was about to pull the rug out from under the Iran nuke hoax.

Here are a few bullets from my September 12th, 2012 Press TV article…my quoting from Clinton’s letter to Netanyahu:

Dear Prime Minister Netanyahu:

Iran may be in your red zone, but can not score.

Sure, Iran could divert a few tons of 3.5% or a ton of 20% enriched uranium hexaflouride gas for enrichment to 90+%. But what then?

No one has ever made a nuclear weapon from gas. It must be converted to metal and fabricated into components which are then assembled with high explosives.

Iran lacks experience with and facilities for these processes which are very dangerous because of potential for a criticality accident or nuclear explosion. Iran would not jeopardize its important, fully safeguarded nuclear programs by an attempt to have a deliverable, one kiloton yield nuclear weapon ten to fifteen years later…

I won’t repeat how he decimated the Israeli threat hoax, a disastrous foreign policy being run by a criminal Bush (43) regime, and which is fortunately being rolled back now, although not without opposition from those who want it to go on forever…purely for exploitive and manipulation purposes.


And they used this cruel tool not only against foreign country targets, but against their own respective countrymen. We have paid for it dearly and those responsible for it all should be hanging from lamp posts for the arch villains they are.

An entire generation of Americans has been robbed blind by these monsters and I for one do not think the Mussolini treatment for them would be the slightest bit cruel or unusual punishment when compared to their path of destruction across the world, including right here at home.

All during the couple of years that we reported on this we did not get one call from corporate media worldwide. Press TV was the soul entity that printed our material internationally. We also got zero formal contacts from any of our security agencies wanting to know anymore, either. They did not want to rock the boat.

If Bush (43) had been successful in starting an Iran war, which is team did the best that they could, all of the paycheck patriots in security would have all claimed they knew nothing about it. That is why they don’t call. It gives them deniability for disasters on their watch.

We saw this happen with the 9-11 commission with the chairmen publicly stating afterward that they were composed of five Democrats to make sure that no blame was attributed to ‘Slick Willie, Bill Clinton, and the five Republicans to cover Bush (43’s) behind. They served no public interest whatsoever. In fact they put us all in more dangerous as they built and tested a template for anyone else after Bush and Cheney pulling a similar type crime and getting away with it.

I do thank Phil for his disclosing how false stories about the negotiations were put out to on the surface make Iran look bad, with the purpose being to defuse domestic critics that the Obama people were not ‘going soft’ on Iran. The battle against the AIPAC people has to be fought on a lot of levels.

But that said, we know everyone in the Intel business knows what a threat Israel is to the US and everyone else. Giraldi early on in his article lays out the firewall theory of separating Intel and policy, but the reasoning he gives I regard as specious. He describes it thus:

There is good reason for the bureaucratic firewall as policy is distinct from intelligence and should not necessarily be driven by it, particularly as clandestinely obtained information is frequently speculative. The intelligence community historically prefers not be involved in policy, and most policymakers agree that mixing the two would be a bad idea.

Everyone knows that Intel on every possible scenario they can be asked to make a prediction on has to involve some speculation by the top analysts sifting and weighing all that they have. But that problem has been with us throughout all mankind. And presidential administrations suffer from the same ‘speculativeness’ issues with which he charges his own Intel compatriots.

But Phil has left out, by accident or on purpose, the most critical issue, which we never do here at VT. What if disasters are not created by making decisions made on speculative information, but something much worse…treason at the top, where fire-walling Intel from policy maker decisions creates a ‘game over’ scenario if ‘they’…can penetrate the White house. And you folks know who I mean.

We saw exactly this happen with the Bush, NeoCon, AIPAC cabal, and then again when they doubled down and brought the international criminal community in to back Romney for president, cutting the hoods in for a bigger piece of the pie. If the Supreme Court allows dissenting opinions, I for one feel that Americans would have more security if our Intel community could do the same and keep the public abreast of problems they saw in the Executive and Congressional branches.

There is no way our democracy can function to reverse a political coup if our Intel community, sworn to protect us takes a pass on that part of its oath, if we are attacked by subverted and disloyal elements in Congress and the executive branch. But with that said, I offer my heartfelt thanks to the loyal Intel community for keeping Romney from the White house where he had bartered a war with Iran to you know who, in his grasp for the presidential brass ring.

Jim W. Dean, managing editor for VeteranToday.com, producer/host of Heritage TV Atlanta, specially for “New Eastern Outlook”.