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Who’s responsible in the Syrian bloodshed?

Vladimir Odintsov, October 28

latakia.si (1)The sponsors of the Syrian opposition – the so-called “friends of Syria” continue their sabre rattling at the meeting they held in London this October. They sound groundless accusations of the chemical attacks carried out by the Syrian regime, voice the demands for a change of power in Syria, and they insist that from their point of view there’s no other legitimate representative of the Syrian people than the so-called “National coalition”. All these foul play moves are aimed at the sole purpose – to continue weapon shipments to Syria and send even more mercenaries there since the Syrian people themselves have turned their backs on the “National coalition” that promotes terrorism across the country.

The people around the globe have seen the true face of these “friends”, that launch one media campaign full of false accusations after another. They’ve already accused the Bashar al-Assad regime of the usage of chemical weapons, the killings of innocent civilians and the monstrous human rights abuse.

Today it’s not only the politics around the globe that try to unmask the “friends of Syria”, but the prominent human rights organizations like “Human Rights Watch”. According to the researches carried out by this organization, the “friends of Syria” supported the rebels that are responsible for the bloody massacre that was carried out in Latakia on August 4-18. During this “operation” more than 190 people were massacred and 200 were taken hostage. The terrorists executed civilians by whole families, killing women, children and the aged. Innocent people were decapitated in the broad daylight.

 A report, prepared by the “Human Rights Watch” provides  more than enough evidence against the people that were responsible for this horrendous crime. The list goes on as more than 20 different organizations, presented by the “friends of Syria” as a secular opposition, are deemed responsible for the massacre. Among those one may find “Ahrar ash-Sham”, Islamic groups “Islamic State of Iraq and the Levant”, “Jabhat al-Nusra” and “Jaish al-Muhajireen wal-Ansar” (the better part of which is lately represented by the North Caucasus extremists).

There’s a long list of “sponsors” that were paying for the killings of the innocent Syrian people. It’s starts with Sheikh Adnan al-Arour who was born in the Syrian city of Hama, but has been living  in Saudi Arabia recently, the Bunyan al-Marsous organization , a number of Kuwaiti authorities, different funds that are controlled by Qatar, Saudi Arabia and the United Arab Emirates.

In an interview that was taken during the presentation of this report, the representatives of “Human Rights Watch” said that the massacre in ten alavite villages in August was a result of a well-planned operation.

The report also compromises the runaway general of the Free Syrian Army Salim Idris who was present at the site of the “fights” and was later boasting about the role his people played in this “operation” in front of numerous cameras.

It’s interesting to note that Salim Irdis was planing to visit the United States last September in order to discuss with the U.S. authorities the prospects of their future “cooperation” since Washington was planing to support him with arms, money and “right” media coverage. But on such a background the White House decided that this “wasn’t a right time” for his visit, so it was rescheduled.

It’s high time for the international community and the U.S. citizens to question the role CIA has played in supplying the Syrian rebels with arms. One must evaluate the role Washington, the Persian Gulf monarchies, Turkey and Jordan (that allows the Syrian rebels to train reinforcements on its soil) in the escalation of violence in Syria, along with the damage these powers inflict on this country and its people. The guilty should be held responsible.

Vladimir Odintsov, political commentator, exclusively for the online magazine “New Eastern Outlook”.