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Archives Vladimir Putin - Page 4 of 5 - New Eastern Outlook

The talks in Sochi - what was discussed?

The most recent high-level talks held in Sochi between the presidents of Russia and Turkey received a great deal of attention in various world capitals. This interest has continued following the end of the summit, on September 4. Many experts unsure about what actually happened in the summit – did the two leaders just met to inform each other about their political agendas, or was any kind of agreement reached? Clearly, Erdoğan is not the kind of politician who makes a foreign trip accompanied by a delegation including…

Alexandr Svaranc

On Kim Jong-un’s visit to Russia. Part One: A synopsis of the summit

Kim Jong-un’s visit to Russia is still ongoing as the author is writing these lines, yet the audience urges him (the author, not Kim) not to put off dissecting the event’s most important moments and results. The visit of the DPRK leader to the Russian Federation will therefore be covered in several parts. He (still the author) will need to discuss the misleading news that circulated prior to the visit and how it was received in South Korea, at the very least. He will also go into more detail on what was planned for the visit and what, contrary to expectations, most likely wasn’t…

Konstantin Asmolov

Russia’s partnership with Turkey has little impact on its dominance in the South Cau-casus

The meeting between Russian President Vladimir Putin and his Turkish counterpart, President Recep Tayyip Erdoğan, on September 4 of this year sparked heated debate in the media. Expert assessments were frequently wishful thinking having little to do with reality. The prospect of regional leadership in the South Caucasus was one of these topics. Prior to the presidents’ meeting this year, Turkey’s Foreign Minister Hakan Fidan traveled to Moscow on August 31 and September 1 with the goal of organizing the summit in Sochi and agreeing upon the agenda of the negotiations between…

Alexandr Svaranc