Archives USA in Ukraine - New Eastern Outlook
20.07.2023 Gordon Duff

The American’s aren’t coming, they won’t be ‘on the ground’ nor in the air nor on the seas.  There is no combat environment for the US against a grade one power.  Let me tell you why. America is all about bluff.  Stealth planes, nukes when that threat doesn’t work, or they will unleash ISIS (is banned in Russia) or al-Qaeda (is banned in Russia) or one of a dozen terror groups like the MEK that the CIA keeps in its quiver. Then there are false flags, usually school shootings, normally domestic or faked chemical attacks in partnership with Israel, certain groups in Georgia at the National Reference Lab, where biological and chemical weapons are produced…

15.06.2023 Christopher Black
America At War

The United States of America is at war with Russia. There is not much point in using terms such as “proxy war” to describe the situation. If a belligerent in a war is acting as a proxy for another power and that power is not engaged directly in the war, the term can be useful. But when the power, for which the “proxy” engages in the war, is directly involved in the war itself, then it is a co-belligerent, a party to the war directly, not simply by proxy. The issue is whether each state is pursuing its own interests and has its own independent means of doing so, or whether the interests and forces of the allied powers are subordinate to the interests and forces of a leader…

09.03.2023 Henry Kamens

When the scenario is all mapped out, with different and various levels of conflict between the West and Russia, it is easy to conclude that lots of preparation and game theory has gone into the proffered reports by various think tanks, RAND, Atlantic Council, NATO, EU, etc. But include that with the level of diligence, it is highly ironic…

13.02.2023 Gordon Duff

It is a mystery for “educated Americans” as to why a “liberal” president would risk nuclear war. Biden’s domestic policies certainly oppose tyranny and Naziism, brought to America by Trump and his army of hillbilly miscreants. He has cut taxes to workers and middle class and worked to undo some of Trump’s insane policies…

09.02.2023 Phil Butler

From the most recent lunacy propagated by western “democracies,” my recent suggestion that Washington wants to give half of Ukraine to Poland may have merit. But, news, the Germans have been blackmailed into sending some old Leopard tanks to Ukraine bears watching since this move will undoubtedly sever Russo-German ties for good...