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25.04.2023 Salman Rafi Sheikh
The Big Failure of the US Policy of “Decoupling” from China

When the Trump administration announced a policy suggesting a “decoupling” from China in the sense that the world’s two biggest economies will no longer do business together, his idea was to turn “America into the manufacturing superpower of the world, consequently ending its “reliance on China once and for all.” This was thought to be crucial for maintaining the US hegemony in the world in the face of proactive attempts by China – and Russia – to shift the global political and economic system towards multipolarity. In forming this policy, policymakers in Washington…

14.02.2023 Salman Rafi Sheikh

On February 4, a US fighter jet “safely” shot down a Chinese “surveillance balloon” off the coast of South Carolina. The balloon, according to US Defence Secretary Lloyd Austin, was being used by China for the purpose of spying on “strategic sites in the continental United States.” Lloyd also emphasised that the decision to shoot down the Chinese...

08.02.2023 Brian Berletic

In recent weeks there has been a build-up of talk regarding a US war with China. Not because of any actual provocation from Beijing, but instead because of a collective resignation to its supposed inevitability. This is best illustrated by comments made by US Air Force General Michael Minihan. In TIME Magazine’s article, “U.S. General’s Prediction of War…

24.11.2021 Vladimir Terehov

One of the major events of current world politics was the November 16 virtual meeting of the two leading world powers, the USA and China. It lasted three and a half hours and went beyond the scheduled time. This fact along with the content of the issues discussed and the parties’ positions on them as outlined by the White House served as a basis for the Chinese Global Times...

25.05.2018 Vladimir Terehov

The South East Asian sub-region (SEA remains an important link in the chain of direct as well as indirect “conflict zones”, beginning on the Korean Peninsula and ending at the entrance to the Strait of Malacca, in the Sino-American standoff. There is no scoring system...