Archives United Nations - New Eastern Outlook
17.06.2024 Viktor Goncharov

The intensification of Turkish policy in West Africa led to the notable failures of Paris, caused in recent years by a series of military coups in its former colonial possessions, which led to a sharp reduction in its political influence in the region. According to a public opinion poll conducted in 2021 with the assistance of the French Council of Investors in Africa, in which 2,426 respondents, including analysts, representatives of private business, civil society, media and religious organisations from 12 African countries…

11.06.2024 Vanessa Sevidova

On May, 31 the UNSC extended the mandate of the Iraq Assistance Mission (UNAMI) for a final 19 months before its complete termination in December 2025. Having adopted S/RES/2732 (2024), the UNSC requested the Secretary-General, Antonio Guterres, jointly with Baghdad to decide on a transition plan to transfer the tasks and responsibilities of the mission to the Iraqi government. The liquidation of the…

04.06.2024 Vladimir Mashin

The International Criminal Court (ICC) announced its intention to prosecute not only Hamas leaders, but also to issue an arrest warrant for war crimes against Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu and his Defence Minister. This caused a storm of protest in Israel, both from the authorities and from public organisations: Israel categorically refused to comply with the ICC decision, calling it shameful…

03.06.2024 Ksenia Muratshina

The anti-French riots in New Caledonia have revived latent issues relating to the effects and remnants of colonialism in the modern world. How did it happen that Oceania is, in this day and age, an entire global region with no fully independent states?

31.05.2024 Viktor Mikhin

Israel brazenly carried out a massive invasion of eastern Rafah, despite global concern for the fate of the estimated 1.5 million Palestinian civilians who were unwillingly trapped in this southernmost city in the Gaza Strip. The Israeli military said its tanks had entered the Rafah crossing, which links the besieged Palestinian territory to Egypt, from the Gaza side and taken “operational control” of the vital border crossing. Israel claims that the Palestinian resistance movement…

29.05.2024 Ksenia Muratshina

President of the Lao People’s Democratic Republic Thongloun Sisoulith, a graduate of the Russian Herzen State Pedagogical University, visited a festive Moscow, where he attended the Victory Day parade and held talks with Russian President Vladimir Putin. On 9 May, at the Victory Parade in Moscow, among the foreign heads of state accompanied by Vladimir Putin, there was a modest and friendly man wearing glasses. The man smiled, spoke in Russian, followed the events with sincere interest and respect, and proudly wore a St George’s Ribbon on the lapel of his coat…

28.05.2024 Veniamin Popov

On May 14, Israel celebrated a gloomy 76th birthday. More than seven months after the October 7 terrorist attack, the war still rattles the Gaza Strip, continuing to wreak unprecedented devastation, and the goals set by Israeli forces continue to evade them. Benjamin Netanyahu has promised to destroy Hamas and release the hostages, but those objectives have yet to be achieved…

17.05.2024 Mohamed Lamine KABA

In the founding of the United Nations (UN) and the creation of Nations, the political history of the international community is a history of domination and injustice, with the constant breakdown of the normal functioning of international relations and the upheaval of the societal bedrock of the countries of the South. According to the Western conception of international community, these peoples are placed on the periphery of the history of humanity…

15.05.2024 Simon Chege Ndiritu

In the first week of May 2024, The US had to demonstrate to its chauvinistic allies that it can still lead them in running an apartheid global system where its camp operate above international law, while treating the rest as second-rate citizens. By April 30th and May 1st 2024, massive college protests spread across the US, where students demanded an end to Israeli genocide against Gaza (here, here and here), while…

12.05.2024 Viktor Mikhin

These days, despite his best efforts, everything is going wrong for Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu. The massive and relentless assault on Gaza, now in its seventh month, has failed to deliver the decisive victory he solemnly promised Israelis after Hamas’ successes on 7 October. The US and other Western allies, horrified by what they have done in conjunction with the Israelis in Gaza against the Palestinians, are warning Tel Aviv against carrying out the much-publicised ground invasion of Rafah. And daily rallies by families of captives who want B. Netanyahu to agree to a prisoner swap deal with Hamas, tear apart and continually agitate Israeli society…

12.05.2024 Taut Bataut

The end of the World War 2 brought significant changes to the world system. Two consecutive world wars in a span of 3 decades perplexed world leaders and political scientists. Fear about the outbreak of a new global war worried all the intellectual minds of the globe, and they attempted to formulate a system that could resolve international conflicts peacefully. The United Nations Organization was established as a successor…

11.05.2024 Veniamin Popov

Palestinian President M. Abbas announced the other day that he was reviewing relations with the U.S., given Washington’s veto of a Security Council Resolution that would have recommended granting Palestine full UN membership. It has become obvious to many that the Americans have never taken into account the interests of the Palestinian people when developing their policies. In fact, the goal of the American strategy has been to strengthen Israel. An ever-greater number of countries are abandoning the American military presence: recently, the authorities of the African state of Niger achieved the withdrawal of American troops from that country…