Archives US Hypocrisy - Page 3 of 4 - New Eastern Outlook
05.01.2024 Viktor Mikhin

The meeting of the UN Security Council on December 8 was a rather sad and very instructive event for all mankind. At this meeting, the United States used its veto right to brazenly and rudely single-handedly block a resolution introduced by the United Arab Emirates and supported by 97 countries. This resolution, as we know, demanded an immediate humanitarian ceasefire in order to put an end to the insane, unprecedented and deliberate daily killings of Palestinians in Gaza by the Israeli army. With its shameful vote, the United States proved and showed to the whole world…

28.12.2023 Madi Khalis Maalouf

The Pakistani leadership’s decision to deport hundreds of thousands of Afghan refugees back to Afghanistan has revealed the United States’ disdain for those it called partners more than two years ago. On October 3, Pakistani authorities announced their decision to sent Afghan refugees home, including those who immigrated here in the 1980s, lived in the country for some decades of their lives and have already integrated into Pakistani life with nothing in Afghanistan. October 31 was set as the deadline for voluntary departure from Pakistan. Those who do not leave the country…

25.12.2023 Vladimir Terehov

In the sea of available information accompanying the process of breaking the world order of the “Post-Cold War Period”, an observer of the main vectors of its transformation, as it is called, only has time to somehow comprehend and comment on the most remarkable moments and events. For example, why another contact in the lines of communication between the main participants of this process took place and what results it ended up with. Here it is not up to the prevailing in the mentioned “sea” of different kinds of trifles. Such as the news about the murder…

14.12.2023 Veniamin Popov

On December 8, the US blocked international calls for the UN Security Council to take action in response on the catastrophic situation in the Gaza Strip and demand a ceasefire. Washington vetoed the resolution, with 13 of the other 14 council members voting in favor and Britain abstaining. The draft Resolution was tabled by the UAE, and was co-sponsored by nearly 100 other states. On the same day, UN Secretary General Guterres urged Council members to “spare no effort to achieve an immediate humanitarian ceasefire, the protection of civilians…

06.12.2023 Henry Kamens

Considering the former track records of former US Secretaries of State, Madeline Albright and Hillary Clinton, the news that Mike Pompeo has been offered a seat on the board of directors of one of the largest mobile operators in Ukraine, Kyivstar, should come as no surprise. He is also following in the footsteps of Joe Biden and Hunter, Inc., with the Burisma and the Ukrainian Corruption Scandal. Like when Bank Robber/Gangster of the 1930s the infamous Machine Gun Kelly was asked why he robbed banks in a jailhouse interview, he simply said, “Because that is where they keep the money.”…

28.10.2023 Salman Rafi Sheikh

Despite the fact that the ongoing conflict between Israel and Palestine is a direct outcome of Washington’s flawed policies, the Biden administration is doing everything it can to turn this conflict into a wider war in the region. Providing US$3.8 billion in military aid to Israel versus US$100 million only for Gaza clearly demonstrates Washington’s priorities. For this reason, Arab states, including the UAE, otherwise signatories of the now infamous Abraham Accords, are not only criticising Israel but also showing who they think is the best possible global power that must side with them vis-à-vis Israel and in support of Palestine…

27.10.2023 Abbas Hashemite

Historically, the United States has launched several wars under numerous pretenses, ranging from anti-terrorism to human rights and democracy. The United States’ victory in the Cold War made it the sole policeman of the world. This power helped the US to impose wars on different countries. These wars inflicted chaos and turmoil in the host countries. The United States possesses a history of interfering in the internal affairs of a score of countries around the world, especially the poor nations…

24.10.2023 Veniamin Popov

The United States’ unwavering backing for Israel, while ignoring the Palestinians, has provoked anger throughout the Global South, particularly in the Islamic world. Several nations held anti-American protests, which included the United States Capitol. For a few hours, 500 regular Americans—many of whom were Jewish—took control of the Capitol Building and demanded that Palestine be saved. The activities of the US administration were so heinous that most of those present at the Human Rights Council in Geneva…

24.08.2023 Veniamin Popov

Many observers believe that the most important development in the US financial and economic situation was Fitch’s downgrade of the country’s debt rating from its highest level of AAA to AA+ in early August this year, with the agency noting “a steady deterioration in governance standards over the past 20 years,” adding that “repeated political standoffs over the debt limit and last-minute resolutions have eroded confidence in fiscal management.” The same agency downgraded 10 more US banks a few days later. Bloomberg says the outlook of the US economy promises…

15.06.2023 Christopher Black
America At War

The United States of America is at war with Russia. There is not much point in using terms such as “proxy war” to describe the situation. If a belligerent in a war is acting as a proxy for another power and that power is not engaged directly in the war, the term can be useful. But when the power, for which the “proxy” engages in the war, is directly involved in the war itself, then it is a co-belligerent, a party to the war directly, not simply by proxy. The issue is whether each state is pursuing its own interests and has its own independent means of doing so, or whether the interests and forces of the allied powers are subordinate to the interests and forces of a leader…

16.05.2023 Gordon Duff

The US has been coercing, bribing and blackmailing drug enforcement agencies around the world to cite Syria and President Assad for producing and distributing narcotics around the Middle East. It isn’t hard to figure out that Syria exports nothing.  Syria’s oil and wheat are stolen, there are no Syrian olive oil exports and most of Syria’s industrial capacity was removed and trucked into Turkey by the White Helmets. Who Really Makes Captagon? Currently, in the US, there is a nationwide shortage of children’s medications…

04.04.2023 Gordon Duff
US Trump’s Arrest

Despite occasional protests from Tucker Carlson, the Murdoch disinformation organization is, to the largest extent, a prime mover toward war on Ukraine and efforts to destabilize Russia. Murdoch himself inheritor to the Greenbaum news organization in Australia needs to be understood.  The Murdoch organization is also  the inheritor to the Maxwell mantle…