Archives The War of tecnology - New Eastern Outlook
21.07.2024 Konstantin Asmolov

The space race between North and South Korea continues. Since the launch of its first spy satellite, Pyongyang has managed to produce a second one. The first satellite is still in operation, but the launch of the second satellite, using a new type of rocket, was unsuccessful. Nevertheless, the journey has begun, and will continue.

12.04.2024 Konstantin Asmolov

Contrary to the anticipation of anti-Pyongyang propaganda discussed in the previous part of this digest, there have been no direct provocations, including in the area of the disputed maritime border. Instead, the North conducted its own exercise and criticized the enemy’s. Already on the day the exercise began, March 4, a DPRK Ministry of Defense spokesman issued a press statement. “The frantic war drills by the ROK puppets and vassal forces led by the US make…

05.04.2024 Leonid Gladchenko

Given the current unprecedented level of information warfare waged by the Collective West against those countries that do not agree to live under the outdated rules of the current global world order, we are seeing an increasing focus on attempts to expand the range of tools available by using new technologies based on artificial intelligence…

21.03.2024 Alexandr Svaranc

According to the Turkish TV channel TRT, on February 21, a test flight of the future fifth-generation fighter KAAN, which was designed in Turkey and is the hope of the Turkish Air Force, was made from the Murted airbase for the first time. The aircraft was in the air for 13 minutes, completing its required test missions and landing safely. Piloting the first flight of the KAAN was Barbaros Demirbaş. According to Turkish experts, the KAAN can surpass even American F-35 and F-22 “Raptor”…

10.10.2023 Alexandr Svaranc

This autumn turned out to be rich in conflict events in politics. There is probably a certain regularity here, as politicians have finished their summer holidays; the world is still torn by a number of conflicts and contradictions; and the likely warfare in some regions, as a rule, perceives autumn as the best period for launching offensive operations. The Russian-Ukrainian military-political crisis has caused a serious division in the international arena, while the economic war of the collective West led by the United States against the Russian Federation in the form of tough sanctions has predetermined the search…

03.08.2023 Phil Butler

Definitions: “impunity, noun, the exemption from punishment or freedom from the injurious consequences of an action.” In 2013, Edward Snowden leaked information from the U.S. National Security Agency (NSA) about massive surveillance being carried out on individuals, companies, and governments on a global scale. Snowden released to the media millions of documents and kept essential files to prove his allegations that U.S. agencies, especially the NSA, operate with impunity, spying on anyone in the agency’s sights. Even though Edward Snowden’s whistleblowing unveiled heinous operations by the NSA in close cooperation with three…

19.06.2023 Konstantin Asmolov

The development of the satellite was one of the key weapons projects announced by Kim Jong-un during the congress of the Workers’ Party of Korea in January 2021, along with a solid-fuel intercontinental ballistic missile (already launched) and a nuclear submarine (not yet seen). Earlier, the DPRK announced the launch of a satellite five times – in 1998, 2009 and 2016 and twice (April and December) in 2012. However, it presumably only managed to put the satellite into orbit in December 2012 and in 2016, and even then, according…

20.04.2023 Phil Butler
Earth’s Ultimate War: A Battle to Control the Noosphere

You feel it, don’t you? There’s something deeply wrong with our world. And I don’t refer to the planet’s geosphere. I mean, there’s something deadly wrong with society overall, and the ways in which we interact and react. Something is coming, and many understand what it is. “We are like people under [a] sentence of death, waiting for the date to be set. We sense that something is about to happen. We know that things cannot go on as they are. History has reached an impasse. We are now on a collision course. Something is about to give.” – Reverend Billy Graham A few years ago, I wrote a report on NEO entitled “Vladimir Putin’s Third Way…

08.02.2023 Brian Berletic

In recent weeks there has been a build-up of talk regarding a US war with China. Not because of any actual provocation from Beijing, but instead because of a collective resignation to its supposed inevitability. This is best illustrated by comments made by US Air Force General Michael Minihan. In TIME Magazine’s article, “U.S. General’s Prediction of War…

13.11.2022 Vladimir Platov

The last few years the use of remotely controlled unmanned aerial vehicles has radically changed the way armed conflicts are being waged. However, this approach cannot be described as new, as the first experiments with the use of unmanned aerial vehicles (UAVs) in combat took place during the Second World War, although the technology was still in its infancy...

02.07.2018 Vladimir Terehov

Strictly speaking, this article is about a new building complex of the so called American Institute in Taiwan (AIT, which from 1979, the year when Washington severed diplomatic ties with Taipei, serves as a de facto US embassy (but with a status of a non-commercial...

24.05.2018 Ulson Gunnar

1525826720660Centuries ago, technology like sailing ships, guns, and steel armor enabled Europeans to appear on South American shores and appear godlike to the natives. Through a combination of spreading disease and wielding military, organizational, economic and of course technological superiority…