Archives Thailand - New Eastern Outlook
15.06.2024 Ksenia Muratshina

At the end of May, 2024, Thailand became the first Southeast Asian country to officially announce its desire to join the BRICS group. What is BRICS today, how is it expanding and what are the prospects for Southeast Asian states to join the group?

07.06.2023 Brian Berletic
New Thai Government’s Vows Obedience to US Foreign Policy: Myanmar is First Victim

Following recent general elections in Thailand, influenced heavily by years of US interference, a pro-US proxy regime is poised to take power. Even before officially taking office, the leadership of the victorious Move Forward Party has vowed to help pursue US foreign policy objectives both in regards to “rebalancing” Thailand away from China and back toward the West, as well as regarding US interference elsewhere in Southeast Asia, and more specifically, Myanmar…

17.05.2023 Brian Berletic
US Proxies Win Thai Elections - US-Chinese Tensions Set to Grow

In a development that will surely impact growing US-Chinese tensions, US-backed opposition parties have won Thailand’s May 14, 2023, general elections. A US-backed client regime taking power in Thailand will impact China’s Belt and Road Initiative, threaten bilateral trade and tourism, and perhaps even undermine regional security. This is particularly so should Thailand now begin working more closely with Washington over matters in the South China Sea, over Taiwan, or a number of other points of contention the US seeks to use to unify the region…

20.03.2019 Tony Cartalucci
Western regime change efforts have intensified ahead of upcoming elections in Thailand. Opposition groups attempting to take power and remove Thailand's powerful, independent military from Thai politics have received extensive, well-documented funding and political support from Washington, London, Brussels, and…
18.03.2019 Jean Perier

6805040193The highly controversial figure of George Soros, the man who created a great many of various hedge funds including Soros Fund Management to become one of the richest men on the planet. If Forbes is to be believed, his personal fortune exceeds the mind-boggling sum of 25 billion

07.10.2018 Joseph Thomas

ее4At a time when the United States has intensified its confrontation with Russia based on claims that Moscow interfered in US and allied politics (i.e. the UK and prospective NATO members in Eastern Europe, the US openly meddles everywhere from Europe and Africa to the Middle…

14.07.2018 Joseph Thomas

THAI5673452342Time Magazine’s article titled, “Thailand’s Leader Promised to Restore Democracy. Instead He’s Tightening His Grip,” reflects Wall Street and Washington’s growing displeasure with the current Thai government and its seemingly successful efforts to pivot the nation away from US-backed…

09.06.2018 Joseph Thomas

77409b77484c7bd14c143a55282eShould decidedly anti-British government organisations be found across the United Kingdom to be funded and directed by Russians, we could only imagine the reaction. Even whispers of hints of Russian influence have resulted in legislation, sanctions and…