Archives Terrorism - New Eastern Outlook
10.05.2024 Yuriy Zinin

‘The Horrifying Attack at the Crocus’ …. ‘Questions and Doubts’. ‘Crime in Moscow Region Threatens Global Dangers’. These and similar headlines in the media reflect the reaction in the Middle East region to the crime at the Crocus City Hall. For observers, experts and social media users, the raid on the concert hall became a reason to increase attention to the study of the roots and methods of action of terrorism, its various organizations and branches…

25.04.2024 Abbas Hashemite

With the turn of the 21st Century, the unipolar world order led by the United States is rapidly debilitating due to the rise of China and Russia as the new superpowers of the world. The role of middle powers has also surged in recent years in the international power structure. Russia and China are seen with much empathy within the developing world due to their inclusive outlook towards developing and underdeveloped nations…

16.04.2024 Alexandr Svaranc

The terrorist attack on the Crocus City Hall concert venue and the numerous innocent victims have made March 22 a new black day in the calendar of atrocious crimes against humanity. Russia is not a country that can forgive such a crime against itself and, of course, retribution against the organizers and perpetrators is inevitable. The whole question presently relies on the time needed for an objective investigation of the criminal case of “March 22,” but the forms and means of response by the Russian security services will not make us wait long…

12.04.2024 Christopher Black

I write this just after returning from Belgrade and the important international conference held there commemorating the 1999 War of Terror conducted by NATO forces against the people of the remaining republics of Yugoslavia, primarily Serbia, a conference organised by the Beograd Forum for A World of Equals and related organisations. In the West, the NATO attack is referred to as the “Kosovo” war, since they want the memory of Yugoslavia and what it represented to the world to disappear forever. But it will no…

12.04.2024 Bakhtiar Urusov

On 22 February this year, the Organisation for the Prohibition of Chemical Weapons (OPCW) issued an opinion from the Investigation and Identification Team (IIT) that found ISIL* responsible for the use of chemical weapons (CW) in the Syrian town of Mari in September 2015

06.04.2024 Yuriy Zinin

The bloody terrorist attack on the Crocus City Hall caused an outcry in political circles, the media and social networks in the Middle East. Arab foreign ministries sent messages of condolence and solidarity to the Russian Federation over the tragedy. Cairo’s Al-Azhar, the world’s oldest Muslim clerical university founded in the 10th century…

01.04.2024 Mohamed Lamine KABA

While terrorist attacks perpetrated in Western space have always been the subject of massive condemnation throughout the world, those perpetrated in non-Western territories are celebrated (the perpetrators welcomed as heroes) in the West, where they pass under silence absolute Western media. The Crocus City Hall attacks on March 22, 2024 in the suburbs of Moscow in Russia are a perfect illustration of this. Perpetrated two weeks after the alert was given by the American Embassy in Moscow…

31.03.2024 Viktor Mikhin

The terrorist attack on the Crocus City Hall (Krasnogorsk) took place on 22 March 2024 at around 20:00 Moscow time. The attack was accompanied by mass shooting and explosions: the attackers opened fire on civilians in the building, set fire to the auditorium, and then left the building. The attack killed at least 143 people (including three children) and injured 182 others. The concert hall was almost completely destroyed by arson and explosions…

07.03.2024 Mohamed Lamine KABA

Since the fall of Muammar Gaddafi on 20 October 2011, terrorism has spread across the black continent, causing negative repercussions in West Africa. These consequences have led to an increase in the number of flashpoints in the region, resulting in the rise to power of two major terrorist platforms, namely Al-Qaeda and Islamic State (international terrorist organisations banned in Russia), with terrorist groups such as AQIM, Macina Liberation Movement, Ansar Dine, Ansar ul Islam, Al-Mourabitoun, Boko Haram (banned in Russia)…

04.03.2024 Viktor Mikhin

During the discussion that took place on 14 February 2024 at the UN Security Council meeting, questions were raised about the unlawful shelling by the US and UK in Yemen in violation of all international laws and regulations. This serious issue was discussed in detail due to the violations of international law and human rights that accompany these shellings. The UNSC participants condemned these actions by the US and the UK as illegal and unacceptable. Despite demagogic statements about the fight…

26.02.2024 Viktor Mikhin

Major General Yahya Rasul, spokesman for the Commander-in-Chief of the Iraqi Armed Forces, condemned recent US strikes on Iraqi army and anti-terrorist group bases and facilities as “unacceptable” and a “blatant” violation of the country’s sovereignty. These military bases and facilities belong to the Iraqi armed forces and Iraqi anti-terrorist resistance groups from the Iraqi Popular Mobilisation Units (Al-Hashd al-Shaabi) and Kata’ib Hezbollah. “In a clear effort to harm security and stability in Iraq, the United States has resumed its airstrikes against Iraqi military units of the army and popular…

23.02.2024 Konstantin Asmolov

The attacker was quickly apprehended and turned out to be a 15-year-old schoolboy. Most likely, due to his age, full information about him will not be disclosed. Some sources claim that he is even under 15, and that this exempts him from criminal responsibility for assault. He has been treated for depression and has been taking pills, but the result of his assessment by medics for mental health problems is not yet known. The police hospitalized the teenager (under the emergency hospitalization system…