Archives Singapore - New Eastern Outlook
16.06.2023 Vladimir Terehov

On June 2-4, Singapore hosted another (already the 20th in a row) Shangri-La Dialogue (SLD), which is held annually by the London-based International Institute for Strategic Studies. Judging by the composition of participants and the range of issues discussed, this is one of the most reputable international expert platforms, which examines various aspects of security in the Indo-Pacific region. The very region where the focus of the current stage of the Big World Game is shifting towards. Each such Dialogue deserves attention, if only because…

20.04.2023 Leonid Gladchenko
Are Singapore's successes in the fight against corruption undermining the foundations of a unipolar world order? Singapore in the fight against corruption

Against the backdrop of growing global concern about the ubiquity of corruption and skepticism about the prospects for its eradication, there is heightened interest in “best practices” – real successes achieved by individual states in this area. The Republic of Singapore is a good example of a successful struggle to eradicate this plague in Asia. It has developed and implemented an effective strategy that has made it possible to eradicate corruption as a “way of life” in a historically short period of time and created one of the most important conditions…