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Membership of Belarus in Shanghai Cooperation Organization, SCO: “Bellwether” of the New World Order?

While all the world is focused on the newest member of NATO, the EU or BRICS, another Card Game has opened with interesting players joining the game, the Shanghai Cooperation Organization, (SCO) an organization that few know much about or have even heard of – at least until now.

Henry Kamens

"Missing again"? Mongolia at the SCO Summit

With the final accession of Belarus to the SCO, Mongolia found itself in the curious position of remaining one of the organisation’s two observers, and the only one whose high-level representatives attended the July 2024 summit in Astana. Nevertheless, Mongolia’s President and Foreign Minister have again spoken of preserving and developing the “proactive observer” tradition.

Bair Danzanov

The Trump Factor and NATO’s Expansion into Asia

European leaders dead worried about the return of Donald Trump to the White House later this year and the possibility of him moving the US away from the North Atlantic Treaty Organization (NATO) to accomplish his “Make American Great Again” goals, the former is taking steps to expand NATO to Asia to keep it relevant. Donald Trump has vowed more than once to counter China. He has also expressed optimism to use diplomacy to end the Russia-Ukraine conflict. Combined with his disdain for NATO, the resolution of the Russia-Ukraine conflict could erode NATO’s credibility and legitimacy.

Salman Rafi Sheikh