Archives SaudiArabia - Page 3 of 12 - New Eastern Outlook
20.07.2023 Alexandr Svaranc

Relations between Israel and Saudi Arabia remain far from being stable. Meanwhile, Riyadh and Tel Aviv, despite the Arab-Jewish confrontation, had in fact maintained informal relations until 1967. This conflict was marked by the presence of a common antagonist in Egyptian President Gamal Abdel Nasser, who backed the Republicans in Yemen’s civil war against the Royalists, who in turn was backed by the Saudis. After Israel’s 1967 seizure of Jerusalem (al-Quds) and the Islamic shrine of al-Aqsa Mosque on the Temple Mount, the situation in Saudi-Israeli relations…

15.07.2023 Viktor Mikhin

Saudi Arabia has recently gained popularity with many countries wanting to improve their political and financial status, ranging from Tehran and Washington to London, Paris, and Tel Aviv. And they are all inspired by Crown Prince Mohammed bin Salman Al Saud’s incredibly effective policy, which is gaining fame and recognition by the day. His policy of ending years of antagonism with Iran, aided by China, has caused Western countries to be concerned about losing their position in the Persian Gulf region. If the Crown Prince offers to negotiate to the satisfaction of all interested parties, the US and NATO can offer nothing but war to other states, forgetting that this is the 21st century with its new peace-loving policy…

03.07.2023 Madi Khalis Maalouf
Riyadh is steadily drifting away from Washington

In the areas of fuel and energy, Saudi Arabia follows a path independent from the United States. Recent anti-Russian sanctions and their secondary and tertiary consequences on the “daredevils” who continue to trade with Russia have caused the world economy to experience extreme instability. In the current environment, few players have been able to adapt to the dramatically changing new reality, but some can definitely be taken as an example. We are talking about the Kingdom of Saudi Arabia, which has shown itself to be unusually agile and flexible on the international stage. At the June 2023 OPEC+ meeting, Riyadh announced a production cut…

02.07.2023 Madi Khalis Maalouf
US policy in the Middle East has not met Israel’s expectations

For a “new” model for the peace process, Israel will have to turn to China. In 2020, it seemed that Israel, with US support, was able to take a step towards the Arabs after the signing of the Abraham Accords with the UAE and Bahrain. Despite this, the changing geopolitical landscape and the emergence of China as a key player in mediating regional conflicts have cast doubt on the viability of these agreements. As a result, the idea of boosting Israel’s power by isolating Iran when Tehran and Riyadh are at peace appears illogical…

16.06.2023 Viktor Mikhin
The Arab-Iranian Dialogue

A three-day informal Arab-Iranian Dialogue has just taken place in Doha (Qatar). The conference, mostly held behind closed doors, acquired special significance because it took place shortly after events showing that the world may be ready to turn a new page in its history.  First, the top leadership of both countries – Crown Prince of Saudi Arabia Mohammed bin Salman Al Saud and the Supreme Leader of Iran Ali Khamenei not only positively perceived the idea of Russian President Vladimir Putin to create a multipolar world, but are also actively implementing this plan. Second, both leaders vigorously advocate limiting the overwhelming…

09.06.2023 Salman Rafi Sheikh
Syria’s Inclusion in the Arab League Marks Another Defeat for the US

For more than a decade, Washington’s “regime change” agenda in Syria involved not only defeating the Assad regime, but also forcing a territorial disintegration of the Syrian state. In the past few years, the US military presence in Syria has only served to prevent Syrian reunification. For decades, Syria and its allies – mainly Iran and Russia – worked as a durable alliance to defeat Washington’s agenda. However, with Syria’s formal inclusion into the Arab League after an 11-year-long suspension, Washington’s agenda…

25.05.2023 Viktor Mikhin

After more than a year of behind-the-scenes diplomacy, Syria’s membership in the Arab League of States (LAS) was finally restored when Arab foreign ministers reached a consensus on an issue that has been causing sharp divisions since the start of the Syrian crisis 12 years ago. On May 7, the Arab League’s foreign ministers…

23.05.2023 Salman Rafi Sheikh
Washington Wooing Saudi Against China’s Gulf Dominance

The recent China-brokered rapprochement between Saudi Arabia and Iran has really shaken Washington’s understanding of the reach of China’s global geopolitical clout. China’s active diplomacy announced, yet again, a formal end of Beijing’s long-cherished policy of ‘non-interference.’ Beijing is now actively intervening, although diplomatically and not militarily, across the world to remove various geopolitical blockades (e.g., regional rivalries encouraged by the US) imposed by the US across the world to maintain its own hegemony. For China, it is crucial…

22.05.2023 Viktor Mikhin
Why did Jake Sullivan fly to Saudi Arabia?

The unconditional further strengthening of Saudi Arabia’s authority and influence in the Middle East in the recent period has significantly increased the general interest in developing relations with the kingdom. This is especially true of the “beacon of democracy,” the United States, and its closest ally in the Middle East, Israel. Ten years ago, in assessing Saudi Arabia’s international activities, many assumed that Riyadh preferred to give money to various elements in the region and entrust them with protecting its interests…

28.04.2023 Madi Khalis Maalouf
The US seeks to drive a wedge between Russia and the UAE

While the United States and the European Union are unified on the issue of Ukraine, the UAE has chosen a neutral posture, which has generated worry in Western capitals. Consequently, the Emirates, in pursuit of long-term economic growth, is taking an “easier” approach to commercial issues, bolstering its position as an international transportation hub connecting Africa, Asia, and Europe. The openness of the Emirati economy has drawn many Russians caught up in Western sanctions, for whom asset transfers in the UAE have become a way out of a financial deadlock, as well as a free platform…

13.04.2023 Viktor Mikhin
Kingdom of Saudi Arabia

Saudi Arabia, led by Crown Prince Mohammed bin Salman Al Saud, who is effectively the kingdom’s leader due to his father the king’s late age, has pursued a strong foreign policy, both regionally and globally. China arranged an agreement between Saudi Arabia and Iran, easing long-standing tensions between…

30.03.2023 Valery Kulikov
Саудовская Аравия

Since the activization of Crown Prince Mohammed bin Salman’s position and activities, the Saudi authorities’ resolve to make significant changes in the Kingdom’s foreign policy and image has been particularly strongly disputed. Back in 2017, he predicted that the world would eventually transit to alternate energy sources everywhere, rendering gas and oil…