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Turkey resumes peacekeeping efforts on Ukraine

Turkish President Recep Erdoğan is expected to pay an official visit to the United States in early May this year, with a full agenda of talks with President Joseph Biden. One of the key issues on the Turkish-American agenda will be the Russian-Ukrainian crisis and options of settlement. What can the summit in Washington shed light on? It is well known that Turkey at first officially took the position of a peacemaker in the situation in Ukraine…

Alexandr Svaranc

West in Meltdown over Nuclear Safety and Electrical Infrastructure in Ukraine!

Just when we thought western hypocrisy over the war in Ukraine had reached rock bottom, lo and behold, they get out an excavator and keep digging. A series of precision strikes across the country over the last few days have devastated thermal and hydroelectric power plants, including the largest ones in Kiev and Kharkov…

Seth Ferris

Will US military funding make any difference in Ukraine?

The US Congress’ passage of the Ukraine military aid bill – which would see the US spending US$ 60 billion to directly or indirectly arm the Ukrainian military to fight Russia – has apparently provided a lot of relief to the anti-Russia elements, both in the West and elsewhere. For months, political elites in the US negotiated this bill, but it remains uncertain whether or not this funding will ultimately make much difference at all…

Salman Rafi Sheikh