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US vs China

‘New’ Bipartisan Consensus in the US Against China Aims Total War

There are very few issues in the US politics, both domestic and foreign, that can draw the Republicans and the Democrats into a bi-partisan consensus. Russia has been one of them in the wake of the ongoing military conflict in Ukraine. More recently, China has also made it to the list of issues. This is evident from the recently formed House…

Salman Rafi Sheikh
Georgian Media

Georgian Media and NGO Activity on the Level of Potemkin Democracy!

What is now attracting all the media hype these days in Georgia is a proposed law most people should care less about, at least at first impression? However, when you dive deeper into the murky waters you realise much more is involved than meets the eye. The ones complaining about it the most are the exact same ones…

Henry Kamens

Iraq: Dismal results of the first 100 days of the new government

In its first 100 days in power, the government of Iraqi Prime Minister Mohammed al-Sudani has already left the first, and not very positive, signs of what may await the country in the near future. To say the least, the government’s heavy-handed actions have largely deviated from the promises al-Sudani made before taking office, resulting in unwanted disruptions...

Viktor Mikhin