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BRICS Games as an additional alternative to Western hegemony in sports

In the coming days, the BRICS Games international sports event will be held in South Africa. The event will be held from October 18 to 21, in which 450 athletes, including 34 from Russia, will partake. This event is still considered to be quite limited against the international sports scale, but perhaps it is the event which will soon become a real alternative in the international sports affairs. Especially since the reasons for such an alternative are very clear. Many in the West are already trying to attach to this event…

Mikhail Gamandiy-Egorov

New president elected in the Maldives: what this means for the region

The word “Maldives”, for most readers will probably, firstly, mean “heaven on earth” (primarily a tourist one) and, secondly, lead to a question of perplexity: why does it appear at all (“in our crazy time”) in the publication, which discusses various aspects of the escalating situation in the geopolitical region, where the focus of the current stage of the “Big World Game” is shifting to? Nevertheless, this dwarf state with a total population of half a million people living on a group of coral islands that stretch from north…

Vladimir Terehov

The functioning of the US political system is debatable

Recent events in the political life of the United States raise more and more questions about whether the authorities in Washington can function normally. Passions in the American Congress have heated up over the adoption of the next budget: the national debt is huge. Three months ago, it amounted to 32 trillion dollars; now it has passed the mark of 33.5 trillion dollars (in one day the Americans increase their debt load by an amount equal to the entire national debt of Russia). This situation worries practically the whole world, especially considering America’s share in the world GDP…

Veniamin Popov