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Archives Palestinian Conflict - Page 5 of 10 - New Eastern Outlook

Palestine: one land, two nations. Where is the way out?

Ever since Israel began its unprecedented bloodbath to exterminate Palestinians in the Gaza Strip, many officials in the US and Israel, followed by journalists, commentators, columnists and representatives of the so-called near-authorities, have become increasingly vocal about the “scenario of the day after tomorrow.” In this case, we are referring to the events that will take place when the guns fall silent and the fog of war dissipates. What will look like, first of all, the Palestinian issue, the general situation in the region and in the entire world, where there is a clear division between those who seek to resolve this difficult…

Viktor Mikhin

Complicit in the genocide of the Palestinians

A new year, 2024, in the Middle East has begun with even more massive bombing by the Israel Defence Forces (IDF) of the Gaza Strip. The International Confederation of Independent NGO groups Oxfam (secretariat based in Nairobi, Kenya) estimates that 250 Palestinians are being killed per day, far exceeding the daily death toll in other conflicts in recent years. According to the UN, as of 11 January, 23,469 people have been killed by the IDF in Gaza, 59064 wounded, 7,000 missing or buried under the rubble of buildings. Among the dead, 70 per cent are women and children…

Nikolay Plotnikov

Gaza Conflict Moves Into 2024

The New Year always brings with it new hopes for a better life, allows us to evaluate the past year and set up goals for the next year. The modern world is going through a number of crisis processes with particularly acute military hotspots in Europe and the Middle East. Unfortunately, U.S.-led Western powers divide the global North and South in their own way and continue to pursue war, not peace, with their policy of interference in regional processes. As for the ongoing Palestinian-Israeli conflict, Tel Aviv does not intend to stop its active offensive operations…

Alexandr Svaranc