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Archives Palestinian Conflict - Page 4 of 10 - New Eastern Outlook

Netanyahu is an obstacle to peace in the Middle East ...

Netanyahu has not accepted Hamas’ conditions for another ceasefire. Consequently, the war in the Middle East continues and the peace deal is delayed. The talks between William Burns in Paris and Anthony Blinken in Riyadh and Aman failed to achieve their goals. Through Hillary Clinton, Washington is offering Benjamin Netanyahu’s resignation. Apparent disagreements with the US administration on the idea of recognising a Palestinian state motivate the head of Israel to expand the conflict in southern Gaza. The Refah operation threatens to internationalise the conflict and drag Egypt into it…

Alexandr Svaranc

Southern countries no longer trust the West

The genocide perpetrated by Israel in Gaza against Palestinians under US patronage has had an enormous impact on developing countries. Four months of Israeli military action against the Palestinians had been a watershed in the attitude of the Global South towards the West: the number of civilians killed and wounded, most of them women and children, was approaching 100,000; in an enclave of nearly 2.5 million people, one third of the houses had been completely destroyed. This has not just shown the hypocrisy of the Western Powers with their constant policy of double standards…

Veniamin Popov

The divergence of Israeli and US approaches on the settlement of the Palestinian question

Israeli Defence Minister Yoav Gallant, as reported by The Times of Israel, said the IDF will soon enter the fray near the northern border with Lebanon to suppress Hezbollah. In recent weeks, Israel has been rushing significant forces and military equipment to the border with Lebanon as pro-Iranian Hezbollah supports Hamas militarily. Last December, it became known that the Israel Defence Forces General Staff was preparing a plan to invade southern Lebanon. In turn, Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu opposed the withdrawal of the army from the Gaza Strip and ruled out…

Alexandr Svaranc