Archives Palestine - Page 8 of 8 - New Eastern Outlook
29.10.2023 Alexandr Svaranc

The military battle between the Palestinian Hamas and Israel remains a prominent matter of international concern. Despite the chaotic process of building conditional blocs of pro- and anti-Israeli forces, the armed conflict is yet to result in lengthy political discussions with an undetermined end. The West, led by the United States, the United Kingdom, and leading EU countries (France, Germany, Italy, and others), has unambiguously sided with Israel in this conflict, accusing Hamas of terrorism. Joe Biden and Rishi Sunak visited Israel to pledge their political and military support for the Jewish…

18.10.2023 Alexandr Svaranc

For more than a week, the Middle East has been the focal point of a “heated conflict” between Hamas rebels and Israel Defense Forces. This war’s brutality is astounding in terms of the number of dead and wounded on both sides, the intensity of the exchange of fire, and the amount of collateral damage. More than 1,500 casualties over the course of nine to ten days of battle is a record for Israel. War is usually predictable because it is preceded by political inconsistencies that cannot be handled diplomatically, the assembling…

18.10.2023 Salman Rafi Sheikh

The Trump administration’s proactive pursuit of ‘peace’ in the Middle East by helping establish diplomatic ties between Israel and the Arab states, e.g., the UAE and Bahrain, was at best a one-sided peace formula and a recipe of disaster at its worst. For one thing, The Abraham Accords focused on something where there was no conflict, i.e., between Israel and the UAE, while ignoring the epicenter of tensions, i.e., the constant tension between Israel and Palestine. Ignoring this seems to have contributed massively to the Palestinian’s frustration with Israel and the rest…

13.10.2023 Alexandr Svaranc

The October tension in the Middle East this year was supplemented by a new flash point in the smoldering Arab-Israeli conflict. During the first week of this month, Syria and Israel turned out to be the epicenters of military escalation. After the terrorist attack in Ankara on October 1 this year, the Turkish authorities, in order to suppress the militant cells of the Kurdistan Workers’ Party (PKK) banned in Turkey, actually started a military operation in the north and north-west of Syria. Then, on October 7 of this year…

11.10.2023 Mikhail Gamandiy-Egorov

At a time when the attention of countries on every content is once again focused on events in the Middle East, Africa is not being left behind, and has its own distinct perspective on the unfolding situation. Naturally, this interest is partly due to various historical processes, but it is also based on current events. Many Africans are, of course, keeping a close eye on the events involving Israel and Palestine. After all, and despite the often very erroneous point of view, citizens of the African states not only attentively follow worldwide events, but also and to tell the truth – so often…

24.01.2023 Viktor Mikhin

The visit of Israel's far-right national security minister, Itamar Ben-Gvir, to the Al-Aqsa Mosque in occupied East Jerusalem has caused an uproar among Palestinians and in Arab and international circles. Even within Israel itself, it led to resentment because of the serious consequences the visit would have on stability in the Palestinian territories. Especially after...

03.03.2019 Veniamin Popov


In the middle of February 2019, one of the main Israeli newspapers Haaretz published an article, which reported that, according to official Israeli statistics, 6.7 million Jews and 6.7 million Arabs lived in Israeli territories (including the occupied Palestinians lands at the beginning of 2019. In the eyes of the opposition forces in Israel, these numbers yet again highlight the intensity of the Arab-Israeli…