Archives nuclear threat - New Eastern Outlook
23.06.2024 Konstantin Asmolov

The first thing to note is the launch on April 2, when they tested the hypersonic glider again (the previous launch of such a missile was Jan. 14) by firing a long-range heavy solid-propellant missile with a hypersonic warhead on a shortened trajectory. Hypersonic missiles fly at speeds of at least Mach 5 – five times the speed of sound – and are designed to be maneuverable on unpredictable flight paths and fly at low altitudes. At Mach 5 and above, such a missile can cover the 195-kilometer distance between Pyongyang and Seoul…

20.06.2024 Konstantin Asmolov

Pyongyang has successfully conducted a ground-based jet test of a solid-fueled engine for a new type of medium-range hypersonic missile.  Tensions on the Korean peninsula will likely continue to rise, and missile launches, drills, and visits by strategic bombers, aircraft carriers, and nuclear subs to Korea will continue.

18.06.2024 Henry Kamens

Considering the ticking nuclear clock, which currently sits at 90 seconds to midnight, in light of all the recent rhetoric and recriminations, you can only think a Mad Professor who is dead set on a Nuclear Holocaust to speed up the ticking time clock to doomsday is alive and well. That is exactly what appears to be happening in Poland, Europe and the collective West.  And to put it lightly, this is very troublesome news … and that is just for starters!

04.05.2024 Seth Ferris

Just when we thought western hypocrisy over the war in Ukraine had reached rock bottom, lo and behold, they get out an excavator and keep digging. A series of precision strikes across the country over the last few days have devastated thermal and hydroelectric power plants, including the largest ones in Kiev and Kharkov…

15.03.2024 Salman Rafi Sheikh

Following French President Macron’s remarks about sending NATO troops to Ukraine to fight Russia, shadows of a wider conflict in Europe are looming large. If that happens, it will be a conflict triggered by Washington’s obsession with expanding NATO to include Ukraine and the subsequent inability of the combined NATO forces to defeat Russia and/or beat it into negotiations – a failure that is now reinforcing European states’ fear of Russian dominance (another Washington narrative) in Europe…

07.03.2024 Viktor Mikhin

In an exclusive interview with Tehran Times, the deputy head of the Atomic Energy Organization of Iran (AEOI), Pejman Shirmardi, rejected claims that his country’s nuclear program is not fully transparent. “From day one, we have made it clear that our nuclear activities are exclusively peaceful. Every time the IAEA has asked us for clarification, we have given them answers. Nothing has changed. Tell us what part of our nuclear program isn’t transparent, and we will prove that it is. As the leader of the Islamic Revolution once said…

08.01.2024 Konstantin Asmolov

This is the second part of the digest on inter-Korean tensions, dedicated to the DPRK actions. See the previous article to learn what the United States and the Republic of Korea did during the same period. Early in the morning on September 2, 2023, “a missile launch exercise was conducted to simulate a tactical nuclear attack to warn enemies of an actual nuclear war danger.” The launch came two days after the US and the ROK completed their 11-day Ulchi Freedom Shield exercise…

03.11.2023 Konstantin Asmolov

In this article, we will talk about the global consequences of this conflict, especially taking into account the fact that while this text was being written, even more gasoline was poured on the fire. According to Hamas spokesman Fawzi Barhoum, Israel launched the guided missiles at al-Ahli Baptist Hospital in the Gaza Strip on 17 October, which was overcrowded with wounded and refugees, allegedly several hours after Israel’s General Security Service contacted hospital staff several times, threatening to blow up the hospital…

24.10.2023 Abbas Hashemite

The Russia-Ukraine conflict commenced in February 2022 when the former entered the latter. Most of the Western propaganda media channels put the ounce of this conflict solely on Russia. The West has completely blocked the Russian media. It has established unprecedented censorship and control over the ongoing Russia-Ukraine conflict to prevent the Western public from knowing the facts leading to this conflict. They portray it as President Putin’s ambition to revive the Soviet Union, ignoring the historical and geographical facts behind the conflict and his denial of any desire to revive the Soviet Union. Although ignorance is considered a bliss in some situations, this time it is proving a catastrophe because this event would affect the global geopolitics…

12.10.2023 Henry Kamens

One of the interesting twists of history is what Joseph Stalin and Lavrentiy Beria, Head of the NKVD (later renamed the KGB) of the USSR, knew about the making of the American atomic bomb, and when? Why is it worth-remembering that initially Stalin and others in the NKVD, the former Soviet intelligence service, had dismissed the intelligence reports of some American secret weapon, an atomic bomb, as being intentional disinformation and not a priority? The incident underscores the importance of robust intelligence analysis and the need for leaders to trust and act upon credible intelligence information. It is…

21.09.2023 Vladimir Terehov

As the New Eastern Outlook has frequently stated, the communication among the top players in the current stage of the Big World Game is extremely vital, indicating that the game process is ongoing. Regardless of the issues that arise, the participants continue to honor the current agreements and refuse to overturn the table with a “continue the policy by other means” clause. One may assess the current relationships between the main players and the prospects for the future based…