Archives New Zealand - New Eastern Outlook
18.07.2024 Vladimir Terehov

Chinese Premier Li Qiang’s trip to New Zealand, Australia and Malaysia was an important element in the complex “game” unfolding in the Indo-Pacific region, involving all the world’s leading powers. It took place in the second half of June.

28.11.2023 Henry Kamens

This title begs the question as to whether being a Member of The Commonwealth “Makes it all Right” in terms of your Geopolitical Orientation? It would even help if you are WASP in blood, breeding and family history, as former and current British subjects are too close in too many ways—and not for their own best interests. Have the Commonwealth Countries near China found themselves caught between a rock and a hard place- NZ is part of the Commonwealth! To make a complicated issue the simpler, the Australians are joined to the hip with the Yanks…

07.03.2023 Sofia Pale

In early February 2023, Washington unveiled the US Indo-Pacific strategy. The document repeatedly emphasized the importance of the informal group “Partners in the Blue Pacific” (PBP), established in September 2022 and composed of the United States, Australia, New Zealand, Japan and the United Kingdom…