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Results of the 3rd BRI Forum

On 17 October, the 3rd Forum was held in Beijing, where the results of the ten-year implementation of the global Belt and Road Initiative project were summed up, and ways of its further development were outlined. The special significance of this grandiose international event was given by the large-scale representation of other states at it. This allowed the countries to discuss some important aspects of the difficult international situation, as well as bilateral relations. As, however, it has been happening in recent years at other international venues. In this regard, the three-hour meeting of the Presidents of the People’s Republic of China and the Russian Federation…

Vladimir Terehov

Some comments on the G20 Parliamentary Speakers’ Summit

India, which currently holds the G20 presidency, is continuing to fulfil this role confidently and effectively. In connection with this role, on October 12-14, it successfully held a Parliamentary Speakers’ Summit in New Delhi, with a theme chosen by the Indian Prime Minister, Narendra Modi: “One Earth, One Family, One Future.”   In various groups, more than 350 parliamentarians from dozens of countries discussed such pressing issues as the green economy and green energy, gender equality, women’s rights and empowerment, and the digitalization of all areas…

Anvar Azimov
Regarding the US Senate delegation’s trip to China

Regarding the US Senate delegation’s trip to China

The bipartisan US Senate delegation’s four-day trip to the People’s Republic of China, which started on October 7 with a landing at Shanghai airport and ended with a meeting with Chinese President Xi Jinping, is an occasion worth noting. Both in terms of the interactions between the two major international powers and, therefore, in international politics. Let us have a look at a few difficulties that are related to this occurrence. China was not the only country the delegation visited while traveling abroad, but it was the first and clearly the most significant. Furthermore, there is no doubt that the Senate delegation’s discussions with the Chinese leader, as well as prior…

Vladimir Terehov