Archives New World Order - Page 2 of 8 - New Eastern Outlook
13.05.2024 Yuliya Novitskaya

How are Russian companies operating in Africa in the new geopolitical environment? To what extent is Russia willing to cooperate with African countries in such promising areas as digital technologies and peaceful nuclear energy? What has changed in the work of a diplomat over half a century?

11.05.2024 Veniamin Popov

Palestinian President M. Abbas announced the other day that he was reviewing relations with the U.S., given Washington’s veto of a Security Council Resolution that would have recommended granting Palestine full UN membership. It has become obvious to many that the Americans have never taken into account the interests of the Palestinian people when developing their policies. In fact, the goal of the American strategy has been to strengthen Israel. An ever-greater number of countries are abandoning the American military presence: recently, the authorities of the African state of Niger achieved the withdrawal of American troops from that country…

06.05.2024 Vladimir Mashin

Some Western European media outlets report that assessments of Washington’s foreign policy are becoming more and more negative in the Global South. And here they see, first and foremost, the hand of Moscow. Meanwhile, US actions on the war in Gaza are condemned by virtually the entire international community. For example, Indonesia said that US vetoes in the Security Council favoring Israel “betrayed the shared aspiration to build lasting peace in the Middle East.” Palestinian President Mahmoud Abbas stressed that in fact the US is committing aggression against the Palestinian people…

26.04.2024 Alexandr Svaranc

Turkey demonstrating an active foreign policy aimed at raising its status from a regional state to a major power and leader of the Turkic world. Its diplomacy synthesizes several complementary doctrines: “neo-Ottomanism,” “neopanturanism,” “Turkish Eurasianism,” and “Turkish axis.” Ankara realizes that NATO membership guarantees its strategic safety against external threats from key anti-Western countries. At the same time, the Turkish political elite realizes that the West is particularly reluctant to see Turkey as a member of the European Union and will stretch the time of European integration. Ankara prefers, forcedly or by choice…

22.04.2024 Mohamed Lamine KABA

The multiplication of escalations which, for decades, has characterized global governance, raises questions about the future of humanity. The world is currently experiencing multiple major wars, including conflicts between Israel and Hamas, between Israel and Iran, between Russia and Ukraine, in Burkina Faso, in Somalia, in Sudan, in Yemen, in Myanmar, in Nigeria and Syria…

21.04.2024 Veniamin Popov

The dates of 7 October 2023 and 13 April 2024 will go down in the history of the Middle East as milestones that defined a new balance of power. The myth of Israel’s military superiority and the invincibility of its army will be gone forever. The Gaza massacre, which caused enormous loss of life and destruction, effectively isolated the Netanyahu government in the international community. Only the US and a few other Western powers provided diplomatic cover for his military provocations…

18.04.2024 Alexandr Svaranc

The ongoing military conflict between Israel and Hamas in the Gaza Strip is leading to a new wave of tension in the Middle East. While Israel is supported by a strong defensive wall of Western allies led by the US and Britain, the Palestinians, despite the inability of Muslim nations to present a united front of the Islamic world, nevertheless has the strong support of Iran. Ever since October 7, 2023, when Hamas launched its Operation Al-Aqsa Flood, triggering the current Palestinian-Israeli conflict…

15.04.2024 Veniamin Popov

We are currently witnessing a reformatting of the entire system of international relations – the most striking features of this process are the weakening of the influence of the Western powers and the strengthening of the positions of those states that used to be called developing countries. Some call this phenomenon the emergence of a truly multipolar world…

07.04.2024 Vladimir Terehov

Two weeks after the meeting of the Chinese parliament, commonly referred to as the “Two Sessions”, held in the first half of March this year, two equally noteworthy forum events were held in Beijing and immediately afterwards in the resort town of Boao (on Hainan Island), attended by Chinese and foreign experts. The main theme of the latter was the implementation of a fundamentally innovative trend in the country’s economic policy, the main provisions of which had been outlined by the Chinese…

03.04.2024 Mikhail Gamandiy-Egorov

The BRICS countries are certainly strengthening their positions on the global stage. And this, both on the geoeconomic and geopolitical levels. Without regard to the opinion of the world minority represented by Western regimes and certain others. Today, these processes are forced to be recognized by a number of analysts in the United States and Japan, while the representatives of Brussels Europe continue to live in the illusions of a bygone era…

17.02.2024 Abbas Hashemite

The dissolution of the Soviet Union and the fall of the wall of Berlin in 1989 gave birth to the unipolar world order led by the United States. Globalization also emerged as a byproduct of this unipolar world order. The United States succeeded in aligning most of the countries towards one singular interest, that of the United States and its allies’. The global supply chain network pinnacled to an unprecedented level during this era of globalization. Former US President George Bush proclaimed in his speech, in 1991, that this US-led world order…

12.02.2024 Nguyen Kien Van

In early December, Rob Phillips, spokesman for the US Army Pacific Command, announced Washington’s intention to begin deploying Tomahawk missiles with a range of about 2,700 kilometres, capable of carrying a nuclear warhead, on islands in the Indo-Pacific region in 2024. The move will be the first ground deployment of intermediate-range missiles since the White House withdrew from the INF Treaty. It is noteworthy that the formal reason for breaking the agreement was Russia’s development of the 9M729 cruise missile, which allegedly falls under the ban. Now we see that the Americans were…