Archives Netherlands - New Eastern Outlook
16.02.2024 Phil Butler

New revelations are shedding more light on the CIA and Massad’s involvement in the Obama administration’s sabotage of the Iranian nuclear program. Dutch media have identified the man who played a crucial role in the U.S.-Israeli operation to disrupt Iran’s nuclear program in 2007. Given the Biden administration’s threat diplomacy and fearmongering aimed at Iran on Israel’s behalf recently, we should expect even more colorful espionage that targets the Iranians. In addition, the Dutch espionage revelations provide circumstantial evidence…

05.02.2018 Martin Berger

It seems that the US can be considered the only state that has been redrawing the map of the world for it to better suit the interests of its political, financial, military cycles. In fact one can't help but to be amazed by the maniacal zeal with which...