Archives Multipolar world - Page 8 of 9 - New Eastern Outlook
08.12.2023 Phil Butler

A few days ago, Arab News published an article titled “Free grain for Africa: reading Russia’s mind.” The Russians made good on the promise offered at the recent Russia-Aftica Summit and delivered some 200,000 tons of grain to six African states. Meanwhile, Big Brother and the elite order try to convince us Ukraine and its benefactors will somehow save the hungry world via new shipping routes. I mentioned Big Brother as an understandable replacement for our banksters, technocrats, and old-money aristocrats. All the news, propaganda, and geostrategy boils down to who or what we want to control…

30.10.2023 Viktor Mikhin

While ever so new crises and fires rage in a unipolar world—take, for example, the Palestinian-Israeli conflict, which alone might tilt the world into calamity—the United Nations continues to fail in its efforts to negotiate a deal in Libya, thereby abandoning any genuine attempt to bring the country to peace. The United Nations Support Mission in Libya (UNSMIL) has been guilty of a number of errors that have progressively harmed the country’s chances of stabilization…

27.10.2023 Mikhail Gamandiy-Egorov

The world has changed radically. The multipolar world order is now a reality, and it is here to stay. And while the Collective West continues to reject this reality, most of the world’s population have long since drawn their conclusions, irrevocably and definitively. In fact, a great deal has changed in the last few years, not so much in that those who were still unaware of the true face of the Western regimes have been disillusioned, but in that the fear that these regimes once have aroused has disappeared. As has their long-held sense of total impunity…

10.10.2023 Viktor Mikhin

Three African countries, Niger, Burkina Faso, and Mali have signed a so-called security pact in response to repeated threats of “aggression” against Niger.  Niger’s new leadership has stated that it has agreed to a defense and security alliance that would allow the armies of Burkina Faso and Mali to enter the country and help it “in case of aggression.” The development came after General Abdourahamane Tchiani, President of the National Council for the Safeguard of the Homeland (CNSP), ordered the French Ambassador to leave the country…

06.10.2023 Phil Butler

The winds of power have shifted dramatically since the beginning of the Ukraine crisis. Dozens of nations, particularly those in Africa, now sway in the direction of Russia and China and away from neocolonialist countries. Recent meetings between Russia’s President Vladimir Putin and vital African leaders are a weather vane for what is to come. If you read the biography of South Sudanese President Salva Kiir Mayardit, you’ll learn why he always wears a Stetson cowboy hat…

03.10.2023 Salman Rafi Sheikh

The recently concluded meeting of the Group of 77 (‘G77’) in Cuba saw some crucial developments at the global level. Comprising most of the countries in the Global South, the meeting endorsed the idea of a new, alternative global order led, not by one power center but multiple power centers, including from the Global South. China, while not a member of the G77, also endorsed the group’s position stated quite comprehensively by Cuban President, Miguel Diaz-Canel, at the opening of the summit. To quote him, “After all this time that the North has organized…

28.09.2023 Salman Rafi Sheikh

Washington’s newly found love for the Global South is hardly a strange development. Having seemingly ‘conquered’ Europe’s foreign policy in terms of forcing it to align with the US vis-à-vis Russia and Ukraine, Washington is now keen to expand its influence to arrest the global political systems’ drift towards a multipolar world. A key reason contributing to Washington’s new approach is that the Ukraine conflict has fairly exposed the limits of the unipolar world insofar as sustaining this system requires military conflict. On the other hand, Russia’s resistance against unipolarity has created a global scenario in which countries outside of the developed world have become geopolitically very relevant insofar…

14.09.2023 Veniamin Popov

The 15th BRICS summit in South Africa came to an end on August 24. It resulted in a Declaration, which states that all of these nations will cooperate to build a global order based on equality, respect, and consideration for each other’s interests. The association has accepted six new members, and it will soon accept 15 additional states that have applied to join. It is known that 20 more developing countries are exploring increasing their engagement with the BRICS. In simple terms, the struggle to create a new, more just world order has entered a significant new stage. In this regard, three points should be highlighted…

04.09.2023 Viktor Mikhin

Argentina, Egypt, Ethiopia, Iran, Saudi Arabia, Egypt, and the United Arab Emirates were all sent invitations to join the newly formed BRICS economic bloc, marking the organization’s largest expansion in its history.  The accession of these geographically dominant countries will take effect on January 1, 2024.  BRICS leaders left the door open for future expansion among a long list of countries that have expressed interest in joining an organization they hope can help them with political and economic development by voting in favor of expansion, the first since South Africa joined the bloc 13 years ago. Without a doubt, the countries chosen at this year’s summit…

31.08.2023 Veniamin Popov

Tensions are rising in the world. Mostly as a result of Western powers’ provocation of fresh conflicts and the rekindling of old ones in order to retain their control.  Their aim is clear: to continue profiting from human suffering, to scare people, to subjugate countries as vassals within the neocolonial system, and to ruthlessly plunder their resources. Developing nations are strenuously starting to defend their national interests because they no longer wish to accept their oppressed position. Some well-known Western economists believe…

14.08.2023 Viktor Mikhin

Nearly 50 African nations participated in the Second Summit Russia-Africa Economic and Humanitarian Forum in St. Petersburg, which shook the foundations of the antiquated society the West had built for itself. Only five African countries did not attend the summit in Russia on July 27–28 for various reasons, while about 20 heads of state and government were there. Moscow, which pompously hosted this productive event, stated that the large turnout “confirms [Africans’] desire to strengthen ties with our country…

28.07.2023 Viktor Mikhin

The reopening of ambassadorial relations between Cairo and Ankara is simply one of Egypt’s new diplomatic orientation, President Abdel Fattah El-Sisi’s new course of constructing a multipolar world, which Russian President Vladimir Putin proposed and has actively promoted. Cairo has selected Amr Al-Hamami as its ambassador to Ankara ahead of the annual declaration on diplomatic appointments, which is generally made in late spring or early summer. At the same time, Ankara announced the selection of Salih Mutlu Şen as Turkey’s next ambassador to Egypt. According to the sources, the news permits both new appointments to work on…