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Prison Ship, Gaza 2023: Flipping Reality in the Wake of Zionism Gone Really Bad!

It should baffle the mind as what is going on in Israel and Palestine, especially in terms of media coverage, and how politicians of all hues are applying two standards to human rights and the much overused concept of international law. The not so hidden Israeli End Game is more than just cold blood murder, shoot to kill is carte blanch for Israel to eliminate once and for all any hope of a two-state solution. The Hamas enemy can be applied to anything that moves, or in proximity—collateral damage…

Seth Ferris

The Gaza massacre and Muslim opinion at the Saudi Summit

A robust conclusion emerged from the unprecedented Arab-Islamic summit held in the capital of Saudi Arabia, but no real steps were taken to counter Israel and its Western backers, particularly the US. Leaders of the Muslim world eventually convened in Riyadh for a conference on the Palestinian issue, following over a month and a half of ceaseless bombing that claimed thousands of civilian lives. Top leaders from major Muslim nations, including Syrian President Hafez al-Assad, Turkish President Recep Tayyip Erdoğan, Saudi Crown Prince Mohammed bin Salman Al Saudi…

Viktor Mikhin

Wars And Revolutionary Transformations

On Monday 20 November, as the liberation of Adveeka draws closer with every day and the Russian forces continue to push the Kiev forces out of the Donbass and inflict heavy losses in men and material on their forces all along the front, and as funding for Ukraine dries up and the Kiev regime sits on a sharp blade, impaled by their own delusions and corruption, the US Secretary of Defence, Loyd Austin, made a quick trip to Kiev…

Christopher Black