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Archives Military conflict - Page 27 of 36 - New Eastern Outlook

Turkey and Israel engaged in a verbal clinch...

Anti-Israel sentiment is rising globally in light of the events in the Gaza Strip and the Israel Defense Forces’ ongoing disproportionate strikes on civilian targets, including hospitals, in the name of combating Hamas. Recep Tayyip Erdoğan, President of Turkey, denounced Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu’s policy, declared the end of diplomatic ties with “Bibi”, charged Tel Aviv of “war crimes”, and pledged to do the necessary research and gather proof to present to the appropriate international bodies. So, as Erdoğan’s words should not contradict his actions, the Turkish leader…

Alexandr Svaranc

Israel, Palestine and Arab spectators

Nearly two weeks after the current conflict erupted in the Middle East, aid trucks were finally allowed to cross the Egyptian border into Gaza, carrying much-needed aid supplies and food to the beleaguered citizens. 20 trucks entered Gaza from the Rafah crossing in Egypt, a fraction of the 200 or so trucks already positioned at the border at that time. The delivery through Egypt, though a welcome development, came after strong denials from both it and Jordan to accept refugees from Palestine and to intervene in the conflict…

Taut Bataut

The Gaza war and the revelations of Israel's former chief of general staff

Recently, an audio recording of a confidential meeting surfaced in the world’s media, revealing the inner workings of the Israeli command and completely lifting all the secrecy that had previously surrounded the military and its political affairs. Key figures, including Aviv Kohavi, Israel’s former Chief of General Staff, attended this high-level meeting that shed light on military operations and strategic discussions. Aviv Kohavi is an influential figure in the Israeli military. His role as the architect of the Tnufa plan…

Viktor Mikhin