Archives IT and cybersecurity - New Eastern Outlook
01.07.2024 Ksenia Muratshina

In May 2024, the Starlink satellite internet constellation began operating in Indonesia. The ‘country of a thousand islands’ has become the sixth Asian state to allow the operation of a US internet giant on its territory. What does this mean, and what are the risks of such a US expansion in the region?

03.05.2024 Ksenia Muratshina

Against the backdrop of growing contemporary threats to international security around the world, the countries of Southeast Asia (SEA) are no exception and, just like everyone else, have to deal with terrorism, cyber-attacks, the spread of dangerous diseases, and natural disasters. Given the cross-border nature of most security issues, this is a technically extremely difficult task to achieve in a single country, much less in a region…

24.04.2024 Seth Ferris

The powerful earthquake that shook Taiwan on Wednesday, 3rd of April, was the strongest earthquake to hit the renegade Chinese province in 25 years. The 7.4+ earthquake has killed at least nine people and injured more than a thousand, and has sent a different type of shockwave throughout the world, particularly the west…

05.04.2024 Leonid Gladchenko

Given the current unprecedented level of information warfare waged by the Collective West against those countries that do not agree to live under the outdated rules of the current global world order, we are seeing an increasing focus on attempts to expand the range of tools available by using new technologies based on artificial intelligence…

02.04.2024 Konstantin Asmolov

On February 23, 2024, with less than two months to go before the parliamentary elections in April, the Republic of Korea’s presidential administration said it would respond strongly to the appearance of a fabricated video on the Internet “featuring” President Yoon Suk-yeol. “We express serious concern over the fact that … certain outlets are labeling the false and fabricated video as a satirical video or reporting on it as if it is okay because it is marked as fake.“…

22.03.2024 Madi Khalis Maalouf

In January 2024, President of the United Arab Emirates (UAE) Mohamed bin Zayed Al Nahyan announced the establishment of the Artificial Intelligence and Advanced Technology Council (AIATC), with a mandate to develop policies and strategies for AI research and related investments. National Security Advisor Sheikh Tahnoun bin Zayed Al Nahyan has been appointed chairman of the AIATC, while Crown Prince of the Emirate of Abu Dhabi Sheikh Khaled bin Mohamed has been appointed vice-chairman…

23.02.2024 Mikhail Gamandiy-Egorov

The Games of the Future 2024 began in the capital of Tatarstan, the city of Kazan. This international event in the field of sports and high technologies can be considered without the slightest doubt as one of the first major steps in the victory not only of Russia as organizer of these games, but also of the multipolar world in its entirety – freed from the influence of the geopolitical interests of the world minority on the fields of sport and major international competitions.

21.02.2024 Henry Kamens

When a politician, even a figurehead one, such as Georgian President Salome Zurabishvili, goes against the official policy of her government, in this case the ruling Georgian Dream Party, by showing up for the recent Munich Security Conference…

16.02.2024 Phil Butler

New revelations are shedding more light on the CIA and Massad’s involvement in the Obama administration’s sabotage of the Iranian nuclear program. Dutch media have identified the man who played a crucial role in the U.S.-Israeli operation to disrupt Iran’s nuclear program in 2007. Given the Biden administration’s threat diplomacy and fearmongering aimed at Iran on Israel’s behalf recently, we should expect even more colorful espionage that targets the Iranians. In addition, the Dutch espionage revelations provide circumstantial evidence…

10.02.2024 Mikhail Gamandiy-Egorov

The capital of Tatarstan, Kazan, is preparing to host the major international tournament Games of the Future. This event once again proves Russia’s ability not only to organize international top meetings and competitions at the highest level, but also and in general, the country’s confirmed position in the field of high technologies – at the time when the growing national independence in such a key sector maintains its openness to the world and joint interactions. The Games of the Future will therefore be held in Kazan…

10.11.2023 Ivan Kopytsev

At the end of October 2023, Amnesty International* published a report implicating Meta**, the company that owns, inter alia, Facebook** and Instagram**, in widespread human rights violations during the 2020-2022 conflict in the Tigray region. Thus, according to the human rights organization, Meta* failed to take effective measures to curb the spread of content advocating ethnic hatred and violence. Although the signing of agreements in Pretoria effectively ended the conflict-active…

03.08.2023 Phil Butler

Definitions: “impunity, noun, the exemption from punishment or freedom from the injurious consequences of an action.” In 2013, Edward Snowden leaked information from the U.S. National Security Agency (NSA) about massive surveillance being carried out on individuals, companies, and governments on a global scale. Snowden released to the media millions of documents and kept essential files to prove his allegations that U.S. agencies, especially the NSA, operate with impunity, spying on anyone in the agency’s sights. Even though Edward Snowden’s whistleblowing unveiled heinous operations by the NSA in close cooperation with three…