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Victoria Nuland Out: Now Meet the New BOSS, John Bass: Same as the Old – Or, From the Frying Pan, into the Fire?

One would think that the claimed retirement of Victoria Nuland, the so-called “beacon of democracy” would be a cause for relief and celebration. Unfortunately, her replacement does not give much hope for any change in the policy of the US.  Initially, there was much rejoicing when the news came in that arch neocon, Russophobe, organizer of coups, and mass murderer Victoria Nuland was departing as the US Undersecretary of State…

Seth Ferris

The run-up to the 2024 Parliamentary elections in South Korea. Part six. Is the third force uniting?

Having described the problems faced by the Democrats and Conservatives, let us move on to the issue of a “third force”. The demand for a centrist party has been felt in Korea for quite some time, but the existing system tends to either “squeeze out” or “absorb” such figures. In the present author’s opinion, there are several reasons for this. Firstly, even right back at the beginning, when the Republic of Korea was founded, the centrists were unable to emerge as a significant force…

Konstantin Asmolov

Iran: A New US-Israeli Provocation

In an exclusive interview with Tehran Times, the deputy head of the Atomic Energy Organization of Iran (AEOI), Pejman Shirmardi, rejected claims that his country’s nuclear program is not fully transparent. “From day one, we have made it clear that our nuclear activities are exclusively peaceful. Every time the IAEA has asked us for clarification, we have given them answers. Nothing has changed. Tell us what part of our nuclear program isn’t transparent, and we will prove that it is. As the leader of the Islamic Revolution once said…

Viktor Mikhin