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Pakistan has formed a government and elected a President

The results of the general elections held on 8 February for the lower house of the central parliament (“National Assembly”) and the assemblies of the country’s four major administrative units – Balochistan, Khyber Pakhtunkhwa, Punjab and Sindh – have been officially announced in Pakistan. As none of the political organisations that contested the elections won a convincing majority in the new central parliament, a ruling coalition has been formed between two parties…

Vladimir Terehov

Pressure intensifies on Lee Jae-myung

While the leader of the Democratic Party of Korea (DPK) is struggling with an internal party split and denigrating the authorities ahead of the April parliamentary elections, the authorities are responding with a new surge of pressure on high-profile cases concerning both him and other key functionaries of the Democratic Party…

Konstantin Asmolov

Israel - talks with a possible future Prime Minister

The recently completed visit by senior Israeli politician Benny Gantz to Washington and London, and especially its positive outcome, not only attracted world media attention, but may also provide an indication about who may be Israel’s next Prime Minister. This raises the question of just who Benny Gantz is, and why he was honored with an invitation to the two capitals, given that current Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu has never paid an official visit to Washington, at least…

Viktor Mikhin