Archives Indo-Pacific region - New Eastern Outlook
23.07.2024 Salman Rafi Sheikh

NATO’s plans to establish a foothold in Asia to counter China better is nothing more than a sure recipe for disaster. Coming to Asia and beating war drums against a country that has not attacked anyone is akin to pushing it to take any and all necessary steps to protect its interests. NATO, thus, is pushing China to shun its regionally focused pacificism in favour of a more belligerent stance. A more aggressive China will, in NATO’s calculation, push Asian countries to move more towards the US out of their common fear of Beijing as the hegemon…

14.07.2024 Vladimir Terehov

On June 27, the latest Rim of the Pacific (RIMPAC) international exercise began in the Pacific Ocean, this time involving military units from 29 countries. The evolution of the format of these exercises corresponds closely to the changes in the political situation in the Indo-Pacific region as a whole.

15.05.2024 Vladimir Terehov

The annual US-Philippine military exercise Balikatan began on 22 April and will continue until 10 May. Originally planned as a relatively small and bilateral exercise, in recent years it has become the largest of those conducted by the United States in the Indo-Pacific region with the participation of one or more of its allies…

18.03.2024 Anvar Azimov

The Indian leadership’s foreign policy has traditionally been characterised by a multi-vector and independent foreign policy, intolerance of any external pressure or imposition of foreign recommendations and advice. New Delhi can afford such an independent foreign policy, given India’s status as a major Asian power, its claim to a certain global role and its self-confidence as the world’s third largest economy. And no major power would dare dictate its terms to India, knowing that such an action would inevitably be met with rejection…

17.03.2024 Vladimir Terehov

The “ASEAN-Australia Summit” was held in Melbourne on 4-6 March this year and was dubbed “special” because it was the 50th since its inception. It should be noted that Australia was the first external partner since the founding of this association in the late 1960s of the last century, which now includes all (except Papua New Guinea) of the countries of Southeast Asia. The three days of events culminated in the adoption of the lengthy (11-page) “Melbourne Declaration – A Partnership for the Future”. In one way or another, the document touches on almost all the major issues…

29.02.2024 Nazar Kurbanov

Japan is currently facing a number of serious political and economic challenges, forcing the country’s political-military leadership to respond accordingly. On January 30, Prime Minister Fumio Kishida presented an extensive policy report on the Japanese government’s plans for 2024 at the regular session of the country’s parliament, which meets once a year.  In the foreign policy section, Fumio Kishida outlined the following trunk lines…

15.01.2024 Phil Butler

Very soon, Pakistan will be forced to cease any ideas of adopting a so-called “hedging” strategy to survive and thrive in the new multipolar world. With China, Russia, and the growing BRICS contingents in focus (particularly Iran), it should be clear that critical Indo-Asian nations and a handful of smaller states will soon hop on the Russo-Chinese bandwagon. The U.S. and its allies have but one chance to remain key partners and maintain economic and geostrategic security. Acceptance of the rising multipolar world community and cementing policies…

02.12.2023 Brian Berletic

The United States is working toward fielding a number of new weapon systems including the Precision Strike Missile (PrSM), the “Typhon” Mid-Range Capability missile launcher, and the “Dark Eagle” Long-Range Hypersonic Weapon, all designed from the ground up almost entirely to fight China in a future war the US envisions it can wage to prevent the East Asian nation from surpassing it militarily and economically both within the Indo-Pacific region, and globally…

04.06.2023 Bakhtiar Urusov

Against the backdrop of failed attempts to draw Asian countries into its orbit, Washington decided to enlist the support of old European friends. The French Navy frigate Prairial paid a courtesy visit to Japan from April 20 to April 27. The ship took part in a joint drill to repress unlawful activity at sea before taking the place of honor in the self-defense fleet, headquartered at Yokosuka. The entry was a kind of announcement of a number of other more substantial joint military maneuvers. Rear Admiral Geoffroy d’Andigné, who oversees the campaign, enthusiastically…

10.01.2023 Vladimir Terehov

This article offers the author’s perspective on some of the past year’s outcomes with regard to developments in the Indo-Pacific region (IPR). It is where the focus of the current phase of the “Great World Game” shifts irreversibly. But first, a few words about the term itself. The public introduction of its shortened version...

17.08.2022 Vladimir Terehov

The latest trip abroad by Nancy Pelosi, Speaker of the lower house of the US Parliament, was commented on by the world media mainly for its most scandalous part which (expectedly) was a visit to Taiwan by a third person in the US government hierarchy. The author’s view regarding the significance of this part is that the increasing...

01.02.2022 Vladimir Terehov

The term “tilt” that stands for UK’s need to double down on the Indo-Pacific region (IPR) in general and China in particular in terms of foreign policy, was first used in late 2020 in a Chatham House research. This research was conducted on the eve of (a long-drawn-out) ending UK’s push to leave EU when one question was becoming increasingly urgent: “What will happen...