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Yoon Mee-hyang’s ordeal

The author has frequently come upon the results of politician and businesswoman Yoon Mee-hyang’s actions when investigating…

Konstantin Asmolov

On the anniversary of the Japanese empire’s defeat

On September 3 Russia celebrated a new holiday: Victory over the Japanese Empire Day. It was marked as a public holiday in the Soviet Union in 1945-1947, and on April 14, 2020 on the initiative of a number of deputies, the State Duma of the Russian Federation adopted a law changing the date of the Military Commemoration Day marking the end of the Second World War to September 3.  This date is particularly significant in the Far East of Russia. For example, the Regional…

Konstantin Asmolov

Algeria and France: The Anticolonial Struggle Continues

On September 2018 French President Macron admitted that France had committed war crimes in the Algerian War for Independence that lasted from 1954 to 1962. He acknowledged, as just a single example, the torture of FLN member, Maurice Audin, a communist, who, after being tortured was executed by French military forces, at the age of 25.  Married with three children, he, like many others, disappeared during the Battle of Algiers. A few months earlier, as a presidential candidate, Macron described colonialism as a crime against humanity, but not much later ruled out any chance of reparations…

Christopher Black