Archives Europe and Ukraine - Page 4 of 4 - New Eastern Outlook
02.05.2023 Salman Rafi Sheikh
Russia-China Response to the NATOization of the Indo-Pacific

In February, on an unusual visit to Japan, NATO Secretary General Jens Stoltenberg emphasised the need for NATO to have more “friends” in the region. The obvious justification was, as Stoltenberg explained to his audience at Keio University in Tokyo, the fact that Russia and China were “coming closer” and the direct threat this alliance poses to the US-led international order. More obviously, what Stoltenberg said exposed active US attempts to expand the scope of its rivalry with Russia and China beyond Europe to include the Asia-Pacific region. At least this is how Beijing and Russia understood it. Responding to Stoltenberg’s projection…

11.04.2023 Henry Kamens
Zelenskyy visit Poland

People left on the edge of society often speak truth to power, and reveal inconvenient truths. For instance, Ukrainian President Volodymyr Zelenskyy made a visit to Poland on April 5, and the Polish media did their best to censor it, at least the news of it before it was to happen. Why? Was it only because they did not want people…

06.03.2023 Yuriy Zinin

“The West is Playing with Fire in Ukraine,” “The Russian-Ukrainian Conflict and the Achilles’ Heel,” “Why Europe is Splitting over Ukraine Arms Deliveries.” These and similar headlines in the Middle Eastern publications reflect the response of local media and political circles to the West’s recent increase in arms deliveries to Kyiv. According to local analysts, the West…

03.03.2023 Phil Butler

Before I begin, let me say that we are all tired of rehashing the extent and character of western propaganda via corporate or elite-controlled media and channels. But we must be vigilant in calling them out, and in forcing through the dissenting view on Russia and other key subjects. With that, I give you another case of manufactured reality…

22.02.2023 Phil Butler

In every mainstream media outlet from Berlin to Los Angeles, Vladimir Putin and Russia are losing in the conflict with Ukraine. The NATO proxy warriors and western think tank experts are endlessly reassuring citizens of the U.S. and other allied countries that Russia is on the ropes and ready for the knockout punch...

09.02.2023 Phil Butler

From the most recent lunacy propagated by western “democracies,” my recent suggestion that Washington wants to give half of Ukraine to Poland may have merit. But, news, the Germans have been blackmailed into sending some old Leopard tanks to Ukraine bears watching since this move will undoubtedly sever Russo-German ties for good...

30.01.2023 Salman Rafi Sheikh

While Ukraine is not a member of the North Atlantic Treaty Organisation (NATO), the way the West has supplied weapons to the Ukrainian army to fight the Russian forces has increasingly NATOized Ukraine’s forces. As I mentioned previously, Russia is fighting a conflict not with Ukraine but with NATO. This is evident not just...

24.01.2023 Salman Rafi Sheikh

Some powerful people – especially, the Neo-conservatives (Neocons) – in the US are getting desperate to defeat Russia in Ukraine. They think the US and NATO are not doing enough, leading Russia to win in Ukraine. Their basic premise is that the US must do much more than it has been doing i.e., providing weapons worth billions, to Ukraine, because...

17.01.2023 Brian Berletic

Western nations have begun pledging a variety of Western armored vehicles to Ukraine including infantry fighting vehicles and even main battle tanks. Until now, the majority of armored vehicles sent to Ukraine had been Soviet-era weapons Ukrainian forces were familiar with both in terms of operating and repairing them. However, following...

21.11.2022 Yuriy Zinin

“The European Union is paying the price for the war in Ukraine, how long will it hold out?” “Who benefits in Ukraine?” These and similar headlines in the Middle East media reflect the regional response to European policy in Ukraine following the launch of Russia’s special operation against Kiev’s neo-Nazi regime. The authors reflect on the political, economic...