Archives EU - Page 3 of 5 - New Eastern Outlook
18.05.2024 Phil Butler

Poland’s Foreign Minister, Radoslaw Sikorski, said, “Russian President Vladimir Putin should fear a war with NATO.” In a chest-thumping address before the Sejm, the lower house of his country’s parliament, the former debating club champion predicted Russia’s imminent defeat should Putin dare attack. This is how we know NATO would not stand a chance…

17.05.2024 Henry Kamens

The Country of Georgia, which has been billed as one of America’s closest and strategic partners, has recently gone against the tide by overwhelmingly passing what is most often described as a Foreign Agents Bill, i.e., a transparency bill, it should be noted that this bill is supported by a majority of Georgians, not that you would know that from the biased western media coverage…

27.04.2024 Vladimir Terehov

From 15 to 17 April, German Chancellor Olaf Scholz led a delegation of three ministers and business representatives on a working visit to China. Since taking office as head of the German government in December 2021, this is his second visit to the leading power of the Asian continent, where the focus of all global processes is constantly shifting. This is a continuation of the tradition of regular contacts with the Chinese leadership established under his predecessor, Angela Merkel. Incidentally, of all Western politicians, she has always received the most praise in China…

12.04.2024 Phil Butler

Be serious now. If you woke up to Good Morning America and heard Vladimir Putin personally shot JFK with a Makarov pistol from the grassy knoll, would you be surprised? After all, Russia’s president surely rules the world already. And, he’s superhuman, too. He’s survived cancers, brain disorders, Russian uprisings and revolutions. Okay, the uprisings and revolutions were just figments of Washington’s imagination, but the other stuff is real, aren’t they? So, Putin being the cause of European corruption is no surprise…

06.04.2024 Alexandr Svaranc

The issue of European integration and Turkey’s eventual accession to the EU remains a strategic prospect for Ankara. However, these plans are still far from reality due to the special position of some key EU players. Perhaps the position of a united Europe will change after the next European Parliament elections. However, Turkish politicians are hardly naive in their calculations for a speedy resolution of the issue of Turkey’s EU membership…

08.03.2024 Simon Chege Ndiritu

French president, Emmanuel Macron stated that the idea of sending NATO troops to Ukraine remained an option (here), which when coupled with Germany’s Luftwaffe plotting to blow up the Crimean Bridge (here) reflects a policy Cul-de-sac that the EU and NATO face. Few options remain, the first being NATO officially intervening in Ukraine, which can result in prohibitive military costs. The second entails waiting for the EU to slide further into recession due to a lack of affordable Russian energy (here). The third option, which the West ignores, entails the EU and the US…

24.02.2024 Alexandr Svaranc

The question of Turkey’s possible integration with Europe has been under discussion for decades and is one of the most problematic issues in post-war European history. Turkey was one of the founders of the Council of Europe in 1949, has been an “associate member” of the EEC since 1964, and officially applied for EU membership on April 14, 1987, but was only granted candidate status 12 years later, at the Helsinki Summit in 1999. Following the Brussels summit of December 17, 2004, accession negotiations with Turkey began on October 3, 2005. Turkey appears to have harmonized its laws with those of the EU…

23.02.2024 Viktor Mikhin

Despite the complete subordination of Europe politically and in other areas to the aggressive hegemon of the United States, there is growing sharp discontent among a number of European politicians, scientists and experts against the submission of once independent European states and against the desire of European leaders to speak in a foreign, American language. This is evidenced, in particular…

24.01.2024 Henry Kamens

Georgia has played a crucial role as a “bellwether” for unfolding political or geopolitical events, a trend with far-reaching impact that has been evident over the past three decades since the collapse of the USSR. With the conflict in Ukraine losing direction and support from the West, the focus of Western elites is now turning towards Georgia, a small Caucasian nation, but not in a good way. This shift in attention underscores Georgia’s significance in providing insights into broader geopolitical dynamics and reveals how desperate shape the West has found itself…

02.01.2024 Phil Butler

The riddle of unhinged EU support for the Zelensky regime in Kyiv is now solved. Anyone inclined can unravel why the Germans, in particular, backstabbed Russia in the Minsk peace boondoggle. Lithium. Energy Monitor’s parent company, GlobalData, recently released a report showing that Europe’s biggest lithium reserves lie in the Donbass region of Russia. The former Ukrainian Shevchenkivske field in the Donetsk region and the Kruta Balka block in the Zaporizhzhia region are now part of Russia. These reserves add tremendously to Russia’s humongous Lithium…

01.01.2024 Salman Rafi Sheikh

The sheer inability of the collective West to force Russia into submission in Ukraine plus the fast-changing global opinion about the West in the context of the latter’s support for Israel’s brutal war on the Gazans has put the so-called ‘liberal-democratic’ world into a panic mode. The White House has already said that it will run out of money to fund Ukraine into 2024 unless the US Congress gives approval for more funding. This has led the Western war machine – primarily led by the US – to anticipate a possible defeat.

30.12.2023 Seth Ferris

One only has to search for EU membership status for Georgia and you will realize that the answer is short, NOT MUCH. Even since the timely untimely death, more likely murder, of Zurab Zhvania, the former Georgian PM under unusual circumstances, and his I am Georgia; therefore I am European speech. These words spoken by the late Georgian Prime Minister, Zurab Zhvania, in front of the Council of Europe in 1999. During the speech, he expressed Georgia’s EU aspirations and outlined the country’s foreign policy agenda for the next decade…