Europe is freezing and on the brink of a severe economic crisis
According to the Oxford Institute for Energy Studies (OIES), “the prospect of the EU receiving more liquefied natural gas (LNG) from Egypt in the short and medium term looks unachievable due to tight gas balances and reduced imports form Israel.” Or, to put it in less academic terms, we can say that this is clearly what Russian President Vladimir Putin has said, namely that Europe, which has followed the US line and refused to buy cheap Russian gas, has caused itself and its people lasting economic, financial and political harm. Last year, for example, Egypt shipped 80 percent…
Is a 1973 OPEC-styled Oil Embargo and Massive Sanctions over Gaza an OPTION for Bringing Lasting Peace?
It is a hard question to answer, and it is more than just conjecture, at least depending upon on how long the carnage and destruction continues before our very eyes. There is much too riding on it; a real power struggle between blocs is going on in the region. Who emerges victorious will redefine the world into new centers of control. The World Order as we have come to know it is on the verge of collapse, and Israel may now…
European Economic Stability Threatened by Interruptions in Druzhba Pipeline Oil Flows and European Hyenas: Vultures Circle the Carcass of Europe’s Cheap Energy Policy!
It is ironic that the Druzhba pipeline, whose name means “friendship” in Russian, is so full of contention—not just crude oil. Was this an organized leak or not, and what would happen, if it stopped flowing entirely, including the direct and indirect consequences? Regardless, that is a moot point. It is not as if Germany already has enough problems resulting from closing ranks with the US over Ukraine. It has been willing to put its own energy security and economy on the front line…
The Gas Crisis has already Begun to Change the Balance of Power in Europe
While European officials and individual members of the European political elite try, to the detriment of ordinary Europeans, to develop a mechanism that would allow EU members to block even Russian liquefied natural gas (LNG) supplies without imposing additional sanctions, Europe’s deepening gas and economic crisis…
Joe Biden and the ‘energy crisis’ in the West
The decision of OPEC+ to introduce a deep cut to its oil production definitely came as a shock to the West (the US and the EU). Democrats, including Joe Biden in the US, were quick to point fingers to Saudi Arabia as the culprit. In fact, many Democrats are already demanding that the Kingdom be penalized for its actions. A bill has already been introduced...
Why Does the Queen of the EU Really Demand Our Solidarity?
No, she’s not simply an idiot. Nor do the Hansiatic elites consider us to be so stupid. The nuclear dystopia or frozen future we may all soon experience is all about economics. So, they have us over a barrel, so to speak. Since they control the distribution of energy, which is the only true measure of success or failure nowadays. Ukraine, climate change, the green...