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New positive trends in the G20

The G20 summit held in the Bharat (Indian) capital, New Delhi, from September 9 to 10, was simultaneously marred by a very tense international environment. The war unleashed by US-led NATO at the hands of Ukrainian neo-Nazis against Russia has already exacerbated the global energy and food security crises, which were already severe due to the effects of the Covid-19 pandemic on production levels and international supply chains. This is happening amidst a changing international order as many countries are pursuing their own interests and a growing desire to form stronger alliances and blocs. Russia and China are pushing…

Viktor Mikhin

The talks in Sochi - what was discussed?

The most recent high-level talks held in Sochi between the presidents of Russia and Turkey received a great deal of attention in various world capitals. This interest has continued following the end of the summit, on September 4. Many experts unsure about what actually happened in the summit – did the two leaders just met to inform each other about their political agendas, or was any kind of agreement reached? Clearly, Erdoğan is not the kind of politician who makes a foreign trip accompanied by a delegation including…

Alexandr Svaranc

Why Russia is Winning in Global South

The Western propaganda of ‘isolating’ Russia aside, there is little gainsaying that Russia’s global clout has increased manifold in the wake of its military conflict with Ukraine and its NATO allies. For the West, Russia’s exit from Europe (e.g., the European energy market) due to sanctions strangely meant ‘the end’ of the Russian economy, politics, and military strength and ‘the ultimate victory’ of the West. Surely, this was a gross miscalculation, as the West never possibly imagined a fundamental – and such a rapid – Russian economic relocation from the Global North to the Global South…

Salman Rafi Sheikh