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Transport in Mongolia: Three Transit Railway Corridors

The first article in the series on the development of transport infrastructure in Mongolia described Mongolia’s projects in the field of railway transport implemented in 2022-2023. This second article provides a brief overview of the projects of Mongolian colleagues in the same field, which are currently being developed and have not yet reached the construction stage. The Mongolian long-term rail construction program up to the year 2030 is included in the country’s overall development programme “Long-Term Vision – 2030”, which, in turn, is a more detailed and structured part of the “Long-Term Vision – 2050” program. As part of the 2030 program (the projects described in the previous…

Boris Kushhov

Results of the 3rd BRI Forum

On 17 October, the 3rd Forum was held in Beijing, where the results of the ten-year implementation of the global Belt and Road Initiative project were summed up, and ways of its further development were outlined. The special significance of this grandiose international event was given by the large-scale representation of other states at it. This allowed the countries to discuss some important aspects of the difficult international situation, as well as bilateral relations. As, however, it has been happening in recent years at other international venues. In this regard, the three-hour meeting of the Presidents of the People’s Republic of China and the Russian Federation…

Vladimir Terehov

Kim Jong-un’s visit to Russia, part six: consequences for relations between Russia and South Korea

The final article in this author’s series on the state visit by the leader of the DPRK to Russia will focus on its consequences for Russia’s relations with the Republic of Korea. After all, now we are already seeing the first political consequences of the strengthening of Moscow and Pyongyang. The DPRK’s leadership placed a high value on the visit, and as readers may remember, while he was still in Russia Kim Jong-un stated that “now the first priority for our country is our relations with the Russian Federation.” As the KNCA later reported…

Konstantin Asmolov