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29.02.2024 Salman Rafi Sheikh

Biden’s flowed foreign policy, i.e., its support for Ukraine and Israel’s genocidal war on Palestine, and Trump’s populism have seemingly combined into a force that might bring the former president to the White House. The possibility is no longer distant. As some latest data shows, Biden is already trailing Trump in terms of popularity. Several key states, including Arizona, Georgia, and Michigan have already swung to Trump, which means that Trump could ultimately end up winning with 277 votes…

01.02.2024 Fernando Gaillardo

This is especially notable when combined with the rise to power in Taiwan of staunch separatist Lai Ching-te, who has taken a hardline stance on the island’s independence from the PRC. While the world is anxiously following the intricacies of the US election race, US political scientists and international relations experts predict that any outcome of the campaign does not bode well for China, the world’s second largest economy and the Americans’ main rival. Anti-China sentiments are so deeply rooted and spread throughout the political establishment of the United States…

19.01.2024 Vladimir Mashin

In a few days, primaries, which are preliminary party conferences to nominate candidates for the US presidency, will begin in the USA. The election itself will take place on November 5 of this year. In addition to determining the head of state, voters will express their opinions on the members of the House of Representatives, which consists of 435 members, and one-third of the Senate, which has 100 members. The election campaign is currently underway, marked by candidates making sharp and harsh criticisms and outright attacks on each other…

03.01.2024 Vladimir Mashin

About three weeks ago, the Washington Post published an article titled “A Trump dictatorship is increasingly inevitable. We should stop pretending.” It is authored by Robert Kagan, one of the ideologues of the neoconservatives who claim that the US is the sole superpower and therefore it should command the world. A few days later, The Atlantic released an online version of its January-February 2024 issue, with 24 essays under the headline “If Trump Wins”: the overarching idea is that the danger posed by the second Trump term is immediate and urgent. Washington Post columnist Thomas Edsall…

27.08.2023 Taut Bataut

In recent decades, the rise of populism as a political ideology has been an undeniably global phenomenon. Representing a range of political movements based on the idea of “the people” at their centre, populism has surged in popularity in both developed and poorer countries, including our own. Similarly, its controversies have been manifold, as have been those of its most prominent proponents across the world. Though the ideal of representing the working masses through a political movement, often in opposition to the political and economic elites of a country, is not a new phenomenon; populist ideology in recent years…

26.06.2023 Christopher Black
Covid and Propaganda: China vs the USA

The American attempts to “contain” China, include its increased aggressive actions regarding Taiwan, China’s relations with Russia, its various attempts to disrupt the Chinese economy and trade with the world generally, its slanders about “human rights,” and the never-ending slanders about China’s response to the Covid-19 crisis which is constantly condemned in the West while the American response is downplayed or not talked about at all. As of June 7, 2023, according to the World Health Organisation, 1,127,152 deaths occurred in the USA from Covid-19 as compared with 121, 236 deaths…

04.04.2023 Gordon Duff
US Trump’s Arrest

Despite occasional protests from Tucker Carlson, the Murdoch disinformation organization is, to the largest extent, a prime mover toward war on Ukraine and efforts to destabilize Russia. Murdoch himself inheritor to the Greenbaum news organization in Australia needs to be understood.  The Murdoch organization is also  the inheritor to the Maxwell mantle…

18.01.2021 Valery Kulikov

Out of all the hot topics in international life over recent times, there are most likely two that vie with each other for primacy: COVID-19 and Trump. The website reports that in one year of the pandemic, more than 2 million people have already passed away because of COVID-19. Now the United States is experiencing a severe...