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Archives Diplomacy - Page 9 of 21 - New Eastern Outlook

Japan is trying to mend relations with the DPRK; "historical" background factor

Several events directly or indirectly related to Japan, which have taken place since the beginning of 2024, provide an opportunity to reflect once again on the positioning of this country in the surrounding political space. Where its active presence is becoming more and more noticeable. First of all, there was the 7.6 magnitude undersea earthquake that occurred on 1 January 2024 near the Noto Peninsula on the west coast of Honshu Island. In terms of magnitude…

Vladimir Terehov

Intensifying Japan's security co-operation with Asia-Pacific countries

Japan is currently facing a number of serious political and economic challenges, forcing the country’s political-military leadership to respond accordingly. On January 30, Prime Minister Fumio Kishida presented an extensive policy report on the Japanese government’s plans for 2024 at the regular session of the country’s parliament, which meets once a year.  In the foreign policy section, Fumio Kishida outlined the following trunk lines…

Nazar Kurbanov

Lessons of History: when Korea’s King ruled from inside the Russian Mission

On February 8, on the eve of Diplomatic Worker’s Day, Russia’s Ambassador to the Republic of Korea, Georgy Zinoviev, together with Embassy staff, the Russian Military Attaché and a Russian trade delegation, visited the site of the former Russian Imperial Mission in Seoul. This building, designed by the Russian architect Afanasy Seredin-Sabatin, was built in 1890 but was destroyed during the 1950-1953 Korean War. Only a fragment of the building, the watch tower, still stands. It is protected as a historical heritage site of the Republic of Korea. The Korean authorities have recently completed the restoration of the building…

Konstantin Asmolov