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Mikhail Bogdanov: "The African continent is not an arena of confrontation between major international players, but a new, growing, diverse, distinctive, global pole of power"

How are Russian companies operating in Africa in the new geopolitical environment? To what extent is Russia willing to cooperate with African countries in such promising areas as digital technologies and peaceful nuclear energy? What has changed in the work of a diplomat over half a century?

Yuliya Novitskaya

Macron, Sullivan and now Cameron are the agents of Russophobia and Chinaphobia in ’Inner Asia’

D. Cameron’s trip, which took place in the last decade of April 2024, was the first ever consecutive visit of the UK Secretary of State for Foreign…

Bair Danzanov
Newly elected Pakistani PM,Shahbaz Sharif

First steps of the new government of Pakistan in the foreign policy arena

It should be recalled that Pakistan held general elections on 8 February this year, the official results of which were announced a month later. As none of the country’s three main political forces won the necessary majority in parliament, two of them, the Pakistan Muslim League (N) and the Pakistan People’s Party, formed a very tentative coalition to create the institutions of power. The leaders of these parties shared the posts of prime minister and president. The former was filled by Shehbaz Sharif after a six-month resignation, while Asif Ali Zardari, who had held the post from 2008 to 2013, became President…

Vladimir Terehov